Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1983: Jiang Sheng came to Rome

Li Youran suddenly realized, as if he understood what he meant.

God, what's the situation? Are you going to be confessed?

"I have a boyfriend." She gave him the answer with certainty. Li Youran paused and said, "No, to be precise, I have a husband. Kim, I am married."

Kim didn't expect to hear such an answer, standing there stiffly, a little at a loss.

He was like a big boy who had made a mistake and didn't know how to end up. Li Youran was a little distressed, knowing that he must have taken a lot of courage, and then asked himself that question.

"Kim, we can continue to be friends. I'm very happy to have a friend like you." She made a round and didn't want to embarrass him.

"But I like you, I don't want to be friends with you."

Kim frowned and said, turned back to his side, and did not speak to Li Youran at all for the next hour.

The silent atmosphere made Li Youran almost unable to breathe. She didn't know what kind of luck she had recently committed, and how she encountered such a thing. One Shen Linsheng is not enough, and another Kim is added...

When the time came, Li Youran couldn't wait to leave. After returning home, she thought hard all night, studying what expression and tone she would face if she saw Kim tomorrow.

But the next day, Li Youran found out that her efforts last night were wasted, because Kim took a leave of absence and took a month of leave. Even the professor didn't know where he went.

Suddenly, the confession suddenly disappeared, and this person did not play the card according to the routine at all, Li Youran inevitably had to worry about it.

He has such a weird character, he can't stand any irritation, do anything extraordinary?

For a few days in a row, she was worried, but Li Youran didn't hear any bad news. In addition, Jiang Sheng was coming to Italy and wanted to see her, so she quickly put Kim's matter behind.

On Saturday, Li Youran drove to the city where Jiang Sheng was located. After being secretly arranged to enter the hotel, Li Youran had been sitting in the room waiting for Jiang Sheng's appearance.

I haven't seen it for several months. If Jiang Sheng hadn't asked her to come today, to be honest, she still didn't want to come. Because of fear, I was afraid that Jiang Sheng would forcibly take her back.

Waiting from noon to evening, it was getting dark, Li Youran lay on the sofa and slept several times, and finally heard the sound of footsteps outside.

When the door was opened, it was not Jiang Sheng who came first, but the bodyguard by his side.

Several people walked in and patrolled around. When they saw Li You, they were all stunned.

"All go out."

Jiang Sheng's voice came from behind the crowd, and Li Youran stood up and stood there. After everyone had left, he whispered "Dad".


Jiang Sheng frowned tiredly and took off his clothes, "Have you not eaten yet? I ordered someone to prepare, and I will deliver it later."

Sitting on the sofa, Jiang Sheng looked at the people who were still standing there, and asked, "What are you doing while standing?"

Li Youran sat down slowly and found that his eyes were full of red blood. Although he is always busy on weekdays, this state is not common.

Is something big happened? Li Youran opened her mouth and didn't dare to ask too much, because he had never liked her to ask such things. But this time, without Li Youran asking more, Jiang Sheng took the initiative to tell her the whole story.

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