Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1984: Strangers in the studio

“It’s not very safe here in Italy recently. Be careful when you enter and leave the school.”

"Oh, good." Li Youran nodded blankly, listening to him continue.

"There were two suicide bombings this week, both in crowded places. There are also two cases where Chinese were attacked. You must remember to bring Nie Hai and them when you go out."

"I remember."

You can't be negligent in this kind of thing, and Li Youran nodded to promise.

After eating a meal with Jiang Sheng and staying for almost an hour, Li Youran drove back to school. When Jiang Sheng's plane left tomorrow morning, he really just took the time to see Li Youran.

Jiang Sheng's warning was echoing in his mind. For some reason, Li You suddenly became very nervous.

Suicide bombing... What can she do if this kind of thing does happen in Rome?

Thinking wildly along the way, she returned to school safe and sound. As soon as Li Youran opened the door, she smelled the scent of flowers.

The fragrance lit by Kristen, Li Youran used to like this smell, but after smelling it today, she felt nauseous.

He rushed straight to the bathroom and spit on the toilet before Li Youran felt much more comfortable. Kristen was taken aback by her. After helping her back to the bed and sitting down, Kristen thought she was sick, but he heard an even more surprising answer.

"I'm fine, it should be the baby in my stomach."

Kristen was stunned. Even if he got married and had a husband, he was still pregnant.

Quickly extinguished the aromatherapy and opened the door to let the air out. Li Youran took a shower and went to bed to rest. In her sleep, she dreamed that someone was holding a gun against her forehead, and she woke up with a cold sweat.

The sky was dark and bright, and Li Youran couldn't sleep anymore. The days are just like that, and Li Youran didn't think it was fast, but she counted them carefully. It has been four months since she came to Italy.

Li Youran still didn't tell Chu Yixuan about the pregnancy, but she had already made a decision and planned to call him the next time she went for a checkup to tell him the good news.

Just after class that day, Li Youran received a call from Gu Xiaoxiao. Like Jiang Sheng's last warning, she also asked Li Youran to be more careful. Because a terrorist organization has been committing crimes frequently recently, and most countries in Europe have terrorists rioting, and Li Youran is a pregnant woman outside, so she can't rest assured.

After hanging up Gu Xiaoxiao's phone, Li Youran felt happy. Because the feeling of being cared by someone is really great.

I came to Professor James' studio in a comfortable mood, and after a while after putting down his backpack, the door was pushed open.

She thought it was a professor, but she didn't expect it to be Kim who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Kim has disappeared for almost a month since we last met. Li Youran was embarrassed not knowing whether to say hello or not, but Kim did it more thoroughly. As if he hadn't seen Li Youran, he put down his things and went to work without saying anything.

The professor is still absent today, and there are only two of them in the huge room, which makes Li Youran feel particularly suffering.

And all of this changed after the door was pushed open again.

A strange man with a mask on his face and a hat on his head.

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