Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1992: Find me now, what do you mean?

Now, there is no need to hide it. Because Jiang Sheng has already decided that this matter does not need to be handled in private. So soon, both the media in Rome and the domestic media will report the relevant content one after another, and even the identity of Li Youran will be made public.

Kristen exclaimed. Before she recovered, Chu Yixuan and Nie Hai had opened the door and left.

The next morning, news reported that the situation in Rome was even more tense than the previous day.

The daughter of the Prime Minister of Country Z was kidnapped in Rome. This is a big news that shocked the world. For a while, the streets and alleys were discussing the matter. Almost all the police in Rome were used, but time was delayed like this. There was still no news about Li Youran's whereabouts.

For three days, the robbers did not move at all. No ransom was mentioned, and no request was made. Li Youran is dead or alive now, everyone knows nothing.

Jiang Sheng was furious, and Chu Yixuan panicked. But other than that, there was nothing to do.

At home, An Chenglang and Chu Yichen have been in the company for two days and have not returned home. I didn't close my eyes for almost two days, staying in front of the computer, looking for the latest news and evidence at any time. As for Gu Xiaoxiao and others, after seeing Li Youran's news on TV, they were only worried.

Chu Lin was mobilized to Rome, and the elites in City B almost all gathered in Rome.

"Boss, it's not a way for us to wait like this."

Nie Hai's eyes were bloodshot, and besides worry, his heart was more guilt. If he could move faster that day, maybe this would not happen.

"Why don't we search family by family!"

"Do you think this is domestic?" Chu Yixuan said in a cold tone, standing at the window looking at the night outside, his face covered with frost.

There is no search warrant, even if it is a private house. With so many households in Rome, one by one, how many documents and instructions do they need? How much time is wasted?

Moreover, this will only increase the panic among the people and increase their dissatisfaction with the government. It is impossible for Rome to agree to let them disturb their city.

Now, they have talked to many people in Rome and searched a few places. The people that Chu Yixuan named to meet were all people with faces and faces. To put it bluntly, they are the **** molecules on the white surface and black on the inside.

These people have a very good attitude and actively cooperate. But what is the use of cooperation? People still can’t find it.

When everyone was at a loss, Chu Yichen unexpectedly received a call from David.

Since the news of Li Youran was broadcast, David has broken off the contact with Chu Yichen. Chu Yichen gave him a few phone calls and all refused. His attitude was obvious, he just didn't want to go to this muddy water. And now he took the initiative to find him, what did he think?

After seeing the number, Chu Yichen answered immediately.

"Eric, I finally know what baby you lost."

"Didn't you know it a day ago?" Chu Yichen chuckled as he listened to David's ridiculous tone. "What do you mean looking for me now?"

"I'm thinking, if it is such an important baby, then the five billion I want is a bit less?"

"You are free to ask for a price now, I didn't say no."

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