"Heh." David smiled somewhat mockingly, "You think I'm stupid? Even if I want 10 billion, you agree, do I really dare to hold the money?"

"Since I don't have the courage to take the money, come to me?"

"I just want to see if you cry."

"This joke is not funny." Chu Yichen talked to him patiently, "You know, it's not my wife who is tied up. I'm just trying my best. It's not enough to make me cry."

"Do your best... Oh, really a cold person."

David's gaze sank slightly, and his tone of voice changed.

"I think I should be able to help a little bit. But I need you to come personally."

He finally reached the point, Chu Yichen frowned, considering the credibility of his words.

"You Chinese are the most cunning. I can't believe them. And I have too many cases. If the front legs help, the back legs are sent to jail, then who should I make sense? If you want me to help, you come personally. Arrange for me to leave Rome afterwards, otherwise this matter will not be discussed."

"Yes. Wait for me to contact you."

David's words have already spoken for this purpose. If Chu Yichen does not go, he will just give up cooperating with him. Hanging up the phone, he immediately arranged to get up. An Chenglang looked at his behavior and was very worried.

"Could it be a trap?"

"It's possible." Chu Yichen didn't think about this. "But even Longtan Tiger's Lair has to go."

Since the day of the fight, Chu Yichen had told Gu Xiaoxiao that she hadn't been back since she asked her to wait for herself at home. Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't leave the house before she was out of confinement. She worried and got upset every day, and she had to think of ways to appease the elders in the family.

Chu Yichen didn't go home. He took a shower at An Chenglang's company and changed his clothes at random before heading to the airport. Before the plane took off, I called Gu Xiaoxiao.

"Are you going to Rome?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked worriedly, before thinking about it, that's right, he couldn't just ignore it.

"Then pay attention to your own safety, I won't call you. If it's convenient for you, remember to contact me. Remember, you must pay attention to safety."

"Well, I get it."

Turning off the phone, Chu Yichen closed his eyes, and finally got a chance to rest after a few days of busy work.

After just a few hours, the plane landed at Rome Airport. When Chu Yichen got off the plane, he saw Chu Yixuan who came to pick him up.

The two looked at each other and nodded. No one said anything and drove away.

When I arrived in Rome, when Chu Yichen went to find David, he was unable to contact him again. Without knowing what the kid was doing, Chu Yichen had to do other things first.

Looking at the map placed on the desktop, Chu Yichen and Chu Yixuan studied softly.

He stretched out his hand to draw two areas on the map, frowned and said, "The tunnel exit is in these two places, and the monitoring loss area is in these two areas, so the suspects are most likely to hide in these two areas. But we also It cannot be ruled out that this is a trap. They changed cars during the absconding process. Although the Roman government moved quickly one hour after the delivery, it was not impossible to move people out of the city during this time. ."

"This is what I am most worried about right now." Chu Yixuan nodded, agreeing with Chu Yichen's point of view.

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