Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1994: There is a ghost around Chu Yixuan

He is most afraid now, if Li Youran is no longer in Rome, what should he do.

"I still think she is safe now. Youran has no enemies here, and she acts in a low-key manner. No one in the school, including Professor Susan, knows her true identity, and it is impossible for her to get in trouble. So I think this one Things are more likely to be directed at us."

Chu Yichen paused, sighed and continued: "To be more precise, it's aimed at you or me."

"It might be his father," Chu Yixuan added.

"That's right. You were in Rome a few days ago. I think these people may have found You Ran's information from you. Cheng Lang and I have made many enemies in Italy, but even if they came to us, this circle goes around. It’s too big, so it’s more likely to be aimed at you or him."

Jiang Sheng couldn't see anyone there, even if he saw it, Chu Yichen couldn't ask this question.

"Don't you have any doubts in your heart? In the missions you have performed in the past two years, has anyone escaped from you by chance?"

"I haven't thought about this. I really can't think of it." Chu Yixuan was very upset. "You don't know the particularity of my identity. I have rarely gone out to perform tasks in recent years, but Every time you go to a region, you are a terrible enemy. If you make more enemies, I will have more. Anyone who knows my identity is capable of doing this kind of thing. Let alone the last two years, this year alone In 1 year, I personally killed dozens of criminals."

No one will collect statistics on the dead after finishing the mission, so even if Chu Yixuan has been working hard to search those lists these days, the results are still not great.

The room fell into a deadly silence again. Chu Yichen's cell phone ringing broke the silence. He looked down and saw that it was David.

"I'm already in Rome. Let's make an appointment."

Chu Yichen was straightforward, and immediately agreed upon hearing the time and place the other party had said, and then went out.

David specifically confessed that Chu Yichen asked him to go alone, and Chu Yichen was also very cooperative in this matter.

The car stopped outside the door of a small bar, Chu Yichen pushed in, and soon found the person he wanted to see.

Oriental faces are not common here, and coupled with the turmoil in recent days, Chu Yichen quickly attracted a lot of attention when he appeared.

Going straight to David, the other person is also walking towards him.

"Go elsewhere and say, I'm being stared at."

After meeting Chu Yichen, David pulled him away nervously. Getting into the car at the fastest speed, he didn't even dare to stick out his head, and he almost lay there, urging Chu Yichen to leave here.

"Are you looking for me to protect your safety?" Chu Yichen sneered. "So scared, why don't you go to the police to protect you?"

"There are people in them, it's unreliable." David's face was very abnormal, and what he said didn't seem like a joke. "The people on your side, besides your brother, I can't believe it, but I can't contact him."

"Why?" Chu Yichen was puzzled, finding him is much more convenient than finding himself.

"There is also a ghost beside him."

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