When Li Youran heard the door opening, her body trembled instantly. Tears dimly watched him approaching him step by step, feeling mixed and sad.

Chu Yixuan sat on the edge of the bed and reached out to wipe her tears. Looking at her red eyes, she felt very guilty.

"You say something, don't stop talking." Li Youran was a little scared as Chu Yixuan watched so silently. "Don't be angry, I won't run around anymore, I won't go to school, I want to go home."

"The school that you worked so hard to get into, just don't go to school?" Chu Yixuan was amused by her words, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, jokingly: "So you are so afraid of death."

The tone of his speech made Li Youran stunned, how does it feel... he is not very angry?

Li Youran originally thought that he would train herself first when he came in. She was taught not to be vigilant, and she was taught to trust these people who were not very familiar. but……

None of the things that were in her mind happened. After Li Youran and him looked at each other for a while, she pursed her dry lips and made up her mind.

"Yixuan, is it okay for me to tell you something?"

"You said."

"I..." Opening her mouth, Li Youran pulled the quilt on her body and retracted. No way, she still didn't have the guts to stare into Chu Yixuan's eyes and say these words.

"There is one thing I have been lying to you. I know you will definitely be angry. I never thought about lying to you for so long. I just haven't found the right opportunity to explain to you."

"So you think, now is the right opportunity?"

"...Nor, but the paper package can't keep the fire out. Even if I don't say it, you will know right away." Li Youran felt that it would be better to confess herself. After all, she was just rescued and she was considered a victim. Chu Yixuan probably wouldn't scold her too harshly.

Ready to be mentally prepared, Li Youran was heartbroken and opened his mouth.

"Actually, I didn't have a miscarriage... the baby was always there."

Li Youran's voice couldn't be so small, she herself was not sure whether Chu Yixuan could hear it.

Chu Yixuan leaned on the back of the chair, put his hands around his chest, and raised his eyebrows lightly. Hearing the sound like a mosquito, he raised his hand and pulled a corner of the quilt.

"What did you just say? I didn't hear it clearly. Say it again."

Li Youran shrank her neck and glanced at Chu Yixuan, just in time to meet his sight.

"I...I said..." Hesitating, Li Youran felt that speaking this sentence again had really used up all his energy.

"The baby is still there, I didn't have a miscarriage. The doctor just said he was safe."

Covering her head, Li Youran amplified her voice slightly, and once again confessed to Chu Yixuan.

"Sorry, I know I was wrong, don't be angry, even if you want to scold me, wait until tomorrow, OK?"

Li Youran reached out and fumbled forward, grabbing Chu Yixuan's hand. Chu Yixuan just didn't dodge or hide, only to realize that she was shaking all the time after she grabbed her wrist.

Fear, even if he is rescued, he is still afraid.

Chu Yixuan knew about the child. After he returned from Rome, he knew her tricks.

"Well, I will scold again tomorrow." Unable to look at Li Youran like this, Chu Yixuan moved and lay on her side. "Don't be afraid, it's okay."

Into Chu Yixuan's arms, Li Youran felt the warm embrace, tears like broken beads.

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