Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2008: Rebirth after the disaster (1)

After a few days of fear and exhaustion, Li Youran quickly collapsed into Chu Yixuan's arms and lost consciousness.

She didn't know how many hours she had slept, and she didn't know how many hours she had slept at dawn, and she didn't know whether it was dark or not. In the end, she was awakened by Chu Yixuan and opened her eyes in a daze.

Seeing her sound asleep, Chu Yixuan was not willing to wake her up. But the thought of her staying asleep like this would be too much for her body, so she could only get people up.

After freshening up, Li Youran frowned when looking at the food on the table.

"Why, aren't you hungry?" Chu Yixuan asked suspiciously as she looked at her behavior. Why hasn't eaten for so long?

"I don't really want to eat..." Li Youran looked at him a little embarrassed, not wanting him to know how picky he is now.

I'm a little hungry, but I feel like vomiting after smelling the smell. Li Youran touched her stomach, covered her breath, hesitated for a moment, and then whispered.

"Shall we go for hot pot? I want hot pot."

"The doctor said that your current physical condition is not stable and you cannot leave."

Chu Yixuan had no expression on her face and happily rejected Li Youran's proposal. Li Youran expected it to be like this, sighed, resignedly picked up the chopsticks, and prepared to eat with a reluctant expression.

"However, we can order a takeaway."

Turning around the corner, his other words let Li Youran see hope. Throwing away the things in her hand in an instant, Li Youran watched Chu Yixuan make a call with joy, with all smiles.

For a pregnant woman, letting her eat what she wants is a great gift.

Li Youran slept very well, and wanted to go out to get some breath after spinning around the house twice. Taking advantage of Chu Yixuan's time to leave, she quietly opened the door, but was frightened by the battle outside.

"Miss, are you going out?"

Nie Hai and Mu Junfan stood at the door from left to right, and besides them, there was a row of other people in the corridor.

"Who is this..." Li Youran was a little embarrassed and tried to lower her voice. "I ordered the fire takeaway, wait for you two to come in and eat with me."

"Is this not good?" Although the two of them usually eat and drink with her, but this time...

"Hot pot is delicious only if you have more people. You wait to pretend to be more natural."

Dispelling the idea of ​​going out for a stroll, Li Youran secretly returned to the room. After sitting on the bed for two minutes, he thought of Jiang Sheng.

I don't know what he is doing now...Would you like to call him?

After calculating the domestic time, Li Youran dialed the phone, and Jiang Sheng's voice soon came over there.

"Wake up?" Jiang Sheng seemed to know everything here, and he asked.

"Well, I'm awake." Li Youran whispered back: "Now in the hospital, Nie Hai and them are all outside, it's safe."

"That's good, let's talk about anything when I come back, I still have to go."

Jiang Sheng's tone of speech was the same as before, neither salty nor indifferent, as if nothing had happened. But for Li Youran, it was a good thing. At least, he doesn't seem to be so angry.

Chu Yixuan went out for half an hour, almost one after the other with the takeaway. Nie Hai didn't have the courage and face to go in as light bulbs, so they still stood outside the door as guards. Li Youran bit her chopsticks and looked at the steaming bottom of the pot, her saliva almost falling off.

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