Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2009: Rebirth after the disaster (2)

While eating and chatting with Chu Yixuan, when Li Youran learned that not only Chu Yixuan had come to Rome alone, but Chu Lin and Chu Yichen had also come, and Chu Yichen was also injured. She felt ashamed to go back to see Gu Xiaoxiao.

"Then, Yichen has returned to China now?"

"Well, the plane left early in the morning." Chu Yixuan lowered his head to cook her dishes, and replied in a calm tone: "We still have something to deal with, and we will return soon."

What he said should refer to Professor James... If possible, Li Youran would never want to mention that thing in her life, but she also knew that sometimes there were things that had to be faced.

"What the **** is going on? James and Kim, are they brothers? Did you really kill their family?"

Unable to help the question in my heart, Li Youran still asked. Chu Yixuan raised his eyes to look at her, and answered without hiding anything.

"People killed one, but it should only be related to James. Kim is an adopted orphan, but for so many years, he has been brainwashed."

People got stolen goods, and with David's help, the truth soon surfaced.

James' parents were extreme religious elements back then. Chu Yixuan killed their youngest son, James' younger brother.

After so many years, James can never forget everything that year. Moreover, he has never stopped, those things his parents did.

Kim has been adopted in the orphanage since he was a child, and the couple who adopted him are also related to James, so after their death, he has been with James. Subconsciously, the heart gradually became distorted.

After learning about the relationship between Li Youran and Chu Yixuan, James made a plan. Everything is proceeding step by step, except for one thing, that is, Kim really likes Li Youran.

Maybe for so many years, no girl has ever taken the initiative to speak to Kim. Maybe it's because he grew up so much, no one has ever cared about him so much. In short, Kim's feelings for Li Youran are true, so the month he disappeared was actually imprisoned by James.

James asked him to sort out his emotions, or he would kill Li Youran. Unexpectedly, it was not Kim who had the bad end, but himself.

David was used by him once, and after he escaped from the dead, this hatred must be reported. So they simply cooperated with Chu Yixuan and the others, and told the police what they knew or didn't know and suspected, and let the police follow the vine and arrested many people, which was regarded as killing the people.

"There should be many enemies like you, right?"

"Yes, I have killed many people."

What Chu Yixuan said was true. He couldn't remember how many people died under his gun for so many years in the army.

James' incident is accidental, but inevitable. Chu Yixuan could not guarantee that such things would never happen again in the future. Perhaps the next time the enemy kidnapped it was not Li Youran, but his other family members.

But even if he knew this, he could not stop his work and mission. Others in the family also knew the nature of his work, but never complained.

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