Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2010: Rebirth after the catastrophe (3)

Li Youran was eating absent-mindedly, and accidentally ate too much.

After a meal, sitting on the sofa watching the TV digest the food, the screen is full of news about her, Li Youran is afraid to die.

Regarding her existence, Jiang Sheng has always dealt with her in a low-key manner. But now, she stabbed out the secret that Jiang Sheng most wanted to let people know, and the whole world knew about it.

It seems that Jiang Sheng's calm tone on the phone today also has meaning...What is the tranquility before the storm? I'm afraid this is it.

At the thought of everything he had to face after returning home, Li Youran was scared. From a certain perspective, Jiang Sheng is definitely not terrible to lose to the kidnapper!

As soon as Chu Yixuan turned around, she saw Li Youran biting her finger, looking like she was about to cry. He watched the TV and asked puzzledly: "What's the matter?"

"This." Li Youran pointed to the TV, "My dad is super angry, right?"

Chu Yixuan thought about it for a while and nodded. "Well, I have never seen him so angry."

"It's over, I will definitely be beaten to death when I go back." Li Youran wanted to cry without tears, "Can you delay it for a few more days? How about we go back without waiting for him to calm down?"

"I'm afraid this won't work. I just received a call from him, saying that we must return to China within three days."

"It seems that I am so anxious to see me. It's miserable this time." Li Youran murmured to herself, and Chu Yixuan smiled.

"How do you know that he saw you because he wanted to beat you, not because he was worried?"

"Worried? Yeah, I'm definitely worried, after all, it's his own." Anyway, he only has a daughter like her. If she had three long and two short, he would be nothing but himself.

"Your Excellency the Prime Minister is very worried about your accident this time. He sent a lot of people over and gave an order to ensure your safety. There is one more thing I think you may not know. Regarding your identity, he took the initiative this time. Announced by the media."

"Really, really?"

Things went beyond Li Youran's expectations, so she accepted that she couldn't. Chu Yixuan nodded affirmatively, Li Youran's mind went blank, she felt that she needed time to calm down.

Jiang Sheng took the initiative to let people know her existence and their relationship. This is something Li Youran has been looking forward to for a long time.

No one knows how much she expects to be in front of others, calling him dad openly, instead of just standing in the crowd like a stranger and being swept away by his sight.

She understood that Jiang Sheng had his own difficulties. She is only an illegitimate daughter after all, and can't expect much.

But now, the dream has come true. People all over the world knew that she was Jiang Sheng's daughter. After learning the news, Li Youran wanted to cry especially and wanted to see Jiang Sheng.

James and his gang were arrested, but the city of Rome has left behind "sequelae."

In the streets, people were talking about it happily. Before leaving, Li Youran went back to school because some things needed to be taken away in the dormitory.

She didn't expect to be recognized the moment she got off the car. With every step, there are several pairs of eyes staring at him.

Back to the dormitory uncomfortably, Li Youran closed the door and covered the screaming Kristen's mouth, begging: "Calm down, don't let them know that I am here!"

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