Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2014: The truth will eventually surface (3)

"I don't even have a serious sentence. 80% of them are afraid of scolding me away, so I will cause him some trouble when I turn around." Li Youran laughed at herself and said, "Why are you here? You were called here?"

Chu Yixuan nodded, and Li Youran said again: "Then remember to say something nice to me later, I don't want him to be unhappy."

Following Chu Yixuan downstairs together, the three of them had a pleasant dinner. Because Li Youran needs to go to Chu's house tomorrow, Chu Yixuan simply stayed here overnight.

It was quiet at night, but Li Youran was not sleepy, thinking all over the things Huba had said during the day.

Chu Yixuan discovered her anomaly and thought she was still affected by the kidnapping, so he comforted her.

"Don't think about that anymore, you are safe now."

Leaning against Chu Yixuan's warm arms, Li Youran hugged him tightly.

"Yixuan, what do you think... what kind of person is my dad?"

"Why do you suddenly ask?"

"I want to know, here are the two of us, so don't talk about those official words. You know, I have never liked him very much. I think he is the most treacherous and cunning, and he is cruel."

"Cunning and cunning..." Chu Yixuan smiled silently while reading the four words Li Youran had said. Because he doesn't deny it, he has personally experienced Jiang Sheng's strategy more than once. How many people can count their Chu family?

"If this evaluation is based on ordinary people, it may not be a good thing. But you must not forget that he is not an ordinary person. As a leader of the country, it is very important to be smart and cunning. Officialdom is the darkest place. If you are not careful, you may fall into the valley and never climb out, so you can't blame him."

One yard goes to one yard. As a soldier, Chu Yixuan has no doubt about what Jiang Sheng has done for this country and his ability.

"Yes, the darkest."

Li Youran murmured, she wanted to laugh, but she couldn't laugh at all.

"Before my dad became prime minister, did you know him?"

"I have met several times. It's not an understanding, but it's not unfamiliar." Chu Yixuan felt that Li Youran was particularly interested in Jiang Sheng tonight, but it was a matter in her family, and it was inconvenient for him to ask more.

Li Youran was silent, but Chu Yixuan knew she was not asleep because she kept looking out the window with her eyes open.

Huba's words reverberated in Li Youran's mind over and over again.

He said that Jiang Sheng was never a bad person. The reason why they lived on that island for more than two decades was entirely because of that person's decision.

Her mother and Jiang Sheng are married. At that time, this kind of thing was very common, because it was good for both families, so the two had no opinion.

But after getting married, the Jiang family knew that this so-called marriage was a conspiracy.

At that time, the Li family had already made many mistakes, but they had not been found out. I came to Jiang's family only because of Jiang Sheng's ability and status, and regarded him as a life-saving straw. What Li Zi really likes is someone else. So even if she married Jiang Sheng and was pregnant with Jiang Sheng's child, she always had a lukewarm attitude towards Jiang Sheng.

After getting married, she also occasionally met with that person. Jiang Sheng was busy outside and naturally didn't know it, but after a long time, the people in the family could see that something was wrong. Huba was the driver of the family at that time, and Li Zi was responsible for picking up and dropping off Li Zi, so he knew about it earlier.

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