Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2015: The truth will eventually surface (4)

Later, the Li family incident broke out, and Jiang Sheng was also implicated. In order to save their lives, the Li family even transferred many crimes to Jiang Sheng's head, making the Jiang family almost accompany his life in a confused situation.

Jiang Sheng made a decision very quickly. Since the Li family wanted him to be buried, he naturally could not be merciful. Therefore, if he wants to keep himself and his family, he must make the Li family's crimes affirmative and make himself innocent.

He sent Li's family to prison and put him to death. However, after all, he had no choice but to attack Li Zi, who was already pregnant at the time.

He tried everything to make everyone think that she had died accidentally. But Li Zi didn't appreciate it. She wanted to escape, escape Jiang Sheng's side, and leave with the man. Unfortunately, that person's heart is no longer in her body. Even after learning that she was not dead, she tried to report it, hoping to completely ruin Jiang Sheng.

Jiang Sheng killed the man and killed him himself in front of Li Zi. Later Li Zi proposed to leave, but Jiang Sheng did not refuse.

In the past two decades, Jiang Sheng offered to take them back many times, but Li Zi refused one by one. It wasn't until she was terminally ill that she agreed to let him take Li Youran to her side. And these things, Li Youran knew nothing.

Without sleep all night, Li Youran knew that this would be bad for her or the child in her womb. But she couldn't help it, she really couldn't sleep.

The next day, he came to the Chu family listlessly. Seeing her haggard look, even Chu Yunfei, who had always been loud, tried to suppress his voice, for fear of frightening her.

After Jiang Sheng saw Li You, he started his busy schedule again. There are so many people in the Chu family, so Li Youran can live here temporarily so that he can be taken care of.

Li Youran accompanied the old people downstairs to talk and chat. After lunch, she couldn't help but came to Gu Xiaoxiao's room and wanted to rest. She didn't want to be alone, so she could only pull Gu Xiaoxiao.

In the crib, the little guy sleeps sweetly. Li Youran looked at him with big dark circles for a while, and began to imagine what her child would look like when she was born.

"Don't look at it, you will be busy in a few months." Gu Xiaoxiao blocked her sight and chuckled softly: "It's not that you are sleepy? Why don't you sleep."

"I can't sleep because I'm so worried."

Li Youran has always been an outspoken person. Like Gu Xiaoxiao, she can't keep secrets in her heart. Therefore, she had already suffocated like this, and she hadn't told Gu Xiaoxiao what was on her mind, which also showed that this was really not something that could be easily said.

"Leisure, or... I'll take you to see someone tomorrow." Gu Xiaoxiao thought about it, and shook her hand and said, "My former psychologist is very good. I know you have no problem, but Pregnant women’s emotions are more sensitive, plus what happened to you in Rome, so I think it shouldn’t be a bad thing to meet her and have a chat. What do you think?”

"A psychiatrist..." Li Youran thought for a while before giving Gu Xiaoxiao an answer. "Well, let's go see you."

"There will be a solution to all things, leisurely, don't think too much, and don't make yourself too sad. No matter what happens, you have us. You are not alone, understand?"

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