Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2019: Unknowingly fall in love with you (4)

For two months, almost every day I came here with my fingers. Li Youran has tried her best to endure it, but for one to a half months, she really couldn't help it.

After staring at the phone for ten minutes, Li Youran finally dialed Chu Yixuan's number.

Unexpectedly, he refused, and after a few beeps, Chu Yixuan's voice came over there.

"Didn't you let you call?" The deep voice seemed to be awakened while sleeping.

"I miss you... No, it's the kid in my stomach that misses you."

"It's really getting more and more excuses." Chu Yixuan rubbed his temples, adjusted his lying posture, and asked, "What have you done at home these past two weeks?"

"I went to Xiao Xi's company to help."


"No! Don't underestimate me, I'm also amazing!"

"How powerful is it? As powerful as in bed?"

These words of Chu Yixuan made Li Youran immediately stunned. What is he talking about? What kind of bed is awesome? !

Her face burst into red with a brush, and Li Youran almost missed the phone and let it fall.

"Chu Yixuan, you don't want to be such a serious hooligan, okay?" Lowering his voice, Li Youran protested with dissatisfaction.

"A hooligan? Did I have one?" Chu Yixuan was innocent. "Have you forgotten that you almost kicked me off the bed last time? Or are you thinking about something unscrupulous?"

It was obvious that Chu Yixuan deliberately led Li Youran to think about something bad, but he refused to admit it, making Li Youran unable to tell, and hung up the phone in anger.

This man's mouth is really getting worse!

Li Youran threw the phone away, annoyed. Falling down on the bed and rolling around with a pillow, I really miss him...

Days passed, and a month passed quickly. When Li Youran couldn't help it, he called Chu Yixuan, and he and Jiang Sheng would meet up when he was free.

After so many things, Li Youran feels lucky and feels very happy. Having eased the relationship with Jiang Sheng, it seems that there are no other problems that can hold her back.

On this day, after returning from the hospital, she went back to her home because Jiang Sheng was resting. But as soon as she entered the gate, she found a car parked in the yard, which looked...a bit familiar.

Get off the car and circle the car twice, Li Youran is sure that this is Chu Yixuan's car.

He ran into the house in surprise, and as expected, he got the truth from Huba.

Chu Yixuan talked with Jiang Sheng in the study, and Li Youran waited downstairs happily, very happy.

It was clearly stated that it would take at least two months, but I didn't expect to see it in just one month. That's great!

The two chatted for almost an hour before coming down. Li Youran didn't expect that for so long, and couldn't help wondering if Jiang Sheng had to arrange something dangerous for Chu Yixuan to do it.

"Dad." Li Youran whispered when she rubbed against Jiang Sheng. "What are you looking for him..."

"Didn't I tell you that you are not allowed to ask about work matters?" Jiang Sheng gave her a squint and didn't mean to tell.

"Okay, I don't want to ask...but." Li Youran grabbed his clothes unwillingly and followed. "Dad, I am your daughter-in-law, he is your son-in-law, can you walk through the back door and don't let him do that kind of thing?"

"Do you know what I asked him to do?"

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