Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2020: Unconsciously falling in love with you (5)

"I don't know." But I want to know, it certainly won't be a good thing.

Li Youran did not dare to say the last half sentence.

Jiang Sheng fooled the matter over in a few words, and Li Youran had no choice but to mention it again.

After dinner, Jiang Sheng left, saying that the plane was going out at night and was back the day after tomorrow. Of course, Chu Yixuan stayed with her. He hadn't seen him for a month and missed it very much. When outsiders left, Li Youran couldn't wait to get into his arms.

"I went to the hospital today. The doctor said that the fetus is now healthy and there is no problem at all."

"What about you? How's your recovery?" Chu Yixuan asked, touching her head.

"I have no problem, I am very healthy! I only vomited once after I came back, and I was so angry." Li Youran snickered, and then said, "Have I told you that I am pregnant with a male baby? "

"No." Chu Yixuan smiled slightly, knowing that she was here to take credit.

"Then do you like boys?"

"It's okay." Chu Yixuan leaned on the head of the bed while rubbing her hair, smiling. Li Youran tilted her head and looked at him intently. The more she looked, the more she felt that his face was too seductive and suitable for her appetite.

"It's true on the Internet... Love at first sight, it really is the face. No wonder I didn't like it the first time I saw you, it seems that it was all thanks to your face."

Touching his cheek, Li Youran muttered to herself, making the smile at the corner of Chu Yixuan's mouth froze.

"Apart from me, is there any other face you like?" Chu Yixuan's tone changed, but Li Youran didn't notice. "That Su Zuonan?"

"Yes, yes, oh, I didn't contact him to thank him after I came back! I have to invite him to dinner!"

"It seems that it's time to talk to him." Chu Yixuan smiled meaningfully and said such a sentence.

Li Youran's face changed, and she could hear it. "What are you talking about with him..."

"You are his rumored girlfriend, forgot?" Chu Yixuan kindly reminded, "You two have made headlines. If you forget, I'll show it to you now."

While Chu Yixuan was talking, he went to get his mobile phone, as if he was really going to turn over the old account. Li Youran quickly stopped with a guilty conscience, and held his wrist tightly.

"Why...I can't tell the truth? People have to be handsome in their own right, otherwise how could they be stars."

"From now on, no, in front of me, tell me that other men are handsome." Chu Yixuan gave a clear warning. "Don't be conceited."

"Oh? What are the consequences?" Li Youran asked curiously, not afraid of death.

"Want to know so, why not just try it, how about?"

"Haha, let's forget it." Li Youran must be the one who was defeated in the end. In order to deliberately provoke Chu Yixuan to be unhappy, under normal circumstances she would not take the initiative to do it.

"But... why do you care so much about Su Zuonan and me?" After thinking about it, Li Youran still felt something was wrong. "You mentioned it when you were in Rome. It was just right, and I thought of him again. Could it be..."

"Is it possible?"

"Could it be that you are jealous?"

Li Youran asked carefully, she didn't plan to make Chu Yixuan nod. But... Chu Yixuan's reaction surprised her.

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