Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2023: The dust settles (2)

Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Xiaoxi stood by the bed, and there was a wedding dress on the bed.

Li Youran thought of something, but couldn't believe it. She swallowed her saliva and asked hesitantly: "Why do you ask me to come?"

"This kid is stupid." Chu Xiaoxi looked at Gu Xiaoxiao, and the two smiled at each other.

"Did I ask you to help design a wedding dress last month? Here, it's done, so let you take a look."

"Oh, I thought..." Li Youran was relieved and stepped forward.

"Why?" Chu Xiaoxi raised an eyebrow and asked with a smile: "Take off your clothes and try it."

Li Youran's brain just returned to normal, but she crashed again because of Chu Xiaoxi's words.

"Why me?" She pointed to her belly, feeling that Chu Xiaoxi was joking.

It is not that she despises herself, but that is the case. Even if she is not pregnant, her figure is far from Gu Xiaoxiao's, and she is incomparable with Chu Xiaoxi. Now that the two of them have their clothes on the shelf, but they let themselves try on the clothes, isn't it a show of mocking her?

"Because this dress was originally made according to your size." Gu Xiaoxiao smiled and pulled her over and couldn't stand it anymore. "We can't wear it except you."

The two helped Li Youran undress together. Li Youran couldn't stop her in a hurry. Ranran stood aside and smiled while watching the joke, very happy.

The clothes were quickly taken off by their partners. The air conditioner was turned on in the room, so it would not be cold, but Li Youran still felt that his back was chilly.

"What the **** is going on? I'll wear it myself, I can't wear it!"

"You have been silly for three years. These words seem to fit you perfectly." Chu Xiaoxi touched her forehead and joked, "I brought you all the wedding dresses. Don't you understand what's going on? "

"Mom said, Auntie is going to get married to Uncle!" Chu Muran tilted her head and interjected. "Auntie, hurry up and wear it, and dyeing depends on the beautiful bride!"

"Let me tell you, for your wedding dress, my new product launch conference was postponed for two months. If you are still not satisfied, don't blame me for turning my face and denying people." Chu Xiaoxi joked and warned. After helping Li Youran put on clothes, he was also relieved.

Fortunately, it fits all sizes. She thought that after a month, the clothes might not fit Li Youran's belly.

"Although this matter has never been mentioned to you, we have not forgotten it. Next week, your wedding with my eldest brother, dear sister-in-law, I thank you for your unique vision and finally accepted him. If it weren't for you , It is really possible that he will die alone."

Chu Xiaoxi's last sentence was not a joke. Chu Yixuan's personality is too bad, and he doesn't know how many years he will be a bachelor.

"Auntie is so beautiful." Chu Muran looked up at Li Youran with wide eyes, and said enviously: "Mom, I want to wear this, and I want to be a bride."

"Don't worry about dyeing. When you grow up, my aunt will definitely make you the most beautiful bride in the world." Chu Xiaoxi squeezed her little cheek with pity, really like this little guy.

"Xiao Xi, Xiao Xiao..." Li Youran looked at herself in the mirror for a while before she found her voice. "Does Chu Yixuan know about the wedding?"

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