Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2024: The dust settles (3)

"Otherwise? Do you think that when the day comes, we will hold him and force him to marry you?"

Chu Xiaoxi couldn't laugh or cry. He felt that Li Youran was so used to being bullied by Chu Yixuan, that he couldn't believe it when he got some benefits.

"No one in the family knows about this, but too many things have happened recently, so I want you to take a good rest before telling you." Gu Xiaoxiao raised her hand to close the broken hair around her ear, Qian Qian He said with a smile: "Big brother came back two days ago, actually for this matter."

"He, he never told me."

"I want to surprise you."

Li Youran felt unbelievable. She looked at herself in the mirror again and looked at the wedding gown on her body, her eyes gradually turning red.

This is a dress she designed by herself, so she can't really like it. The wedding... After those things happened, Li Youran didn't have any hope for the wedding anymore, but they were all ready.

"I have worked hard for you in the past few years." Gu Xiaoxiao said seriously. She really felt sorry for Li Youran. Although the past few years have not been easy for her, but she and Li Youran have experienced two kinds of hardships.

The person you love is right in front of you, but you can't get close, and you're still being spurned by disgust. She doesn't have the courage of Li Youran. If she were to be replaced by her, she would have run away dingy.

Now that everything is over and the dust has fallen, Gu Xiaoxiao feels that Li Youran should really be loved.

Li Youran sniffed, feeling moved, she didn't know what to say, tears fell wildly, Chu Muran looked anxious.

She took Li Youran’s hand and sat on the bed, and then climbed up. The little hand wiped her tears, and the adult coaxed and said: “The bride can’t cry, she won’t be pretty if she cries. The bride of yours."

"Okay, don't cry." Li Youran hugged her in her arms, holding her soft little hand, the deepest part of her heart also softened.

The wedding dress was ordered, and several other dresses were tried together. Li Youran's heart has been hanging in the air, stepping on a cloud, standing high and looking far away, but she doesn't know whether or when she will fall.

The wedding was about to take place in a week. After learning the news, Li Youran was in a panic. After returning home at night, she could not sleep. I tried to call Chu Yixuan several times, but did not act. If she can, she wants to endure this week.

The door downstairs suddenly opened, and the sound of a car came. Li Youran was taken aback and sat up. Could it be that Jiang Sheng is back?

She had never understood Jiang Sheng's itinerary. She stood at the door and looked at the direction of the stairs. After seeing Jiang Sheng's figure, Li Youran walked towards him.

"Dad, I went to Chu's house today."

"Yeah." Jiang Sheng nodded, calmly.

"They said they will hold a wedding for me in a week." Li Youran followed in his footsteps and continued to say cautiously.

"This is what their family should do." Jiang Sheng didn't squint, it seems that he has known this a long time ago.

"Dad...thank you." Pulling Jiang Sheng's clothes corner, Li Youran's actions made Jiang Sheng's footsteps pause. "I know I was ignorant before and I misunderstood you a lot, but I won't be anymore."

Jiang Sheng's eyes flashed, and his throat rolled. After he was silent for a few seconds, he hummed.

[Happy New Year's Day, babies, it’s been 17 years before I know it, and the book My Sweet Wife has been written for a year.

This is my first modern essay. It has many shortcomings and many flaws. But I am really happy and grateful to have you always with me.

Tomorrow, the main body of this book will be over, and the love story of Xiao Xiao and Youran will officially come to an end. I will write about it later, because I can’t bear to let go of the two single dogs Xu Ming and Han Yi... The new book will be released on January 15th, I hope you will continue to support.

Finally, thank you all. Without you, I can't go this far, nor can I achieve such good results in this book. Thank you so much, and I hope you will be there again next book. 】

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