Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2071: Killing is a crime, be calm (1)

"Well, let's discuss this matter." Xu Ming nodded, not arguing with her. "One hundred million, I will cover you, what do you think?"

Xu Ming's posture is elegant, and what he says is so calm.

Tang Siqi knew that he had money, but he said that he was a hundred million yuan. Is it a bit too much?

"This joke is not funny." Tang Siqi looked at him seriously.

"I think I am more serious now than ever." Xu Ming smiled, glanced at the time, and asked: "It seems that this is a very important issue in your eyes. Why don't we go up and talk about it?"

Tang Siqi didn't know what was going on when alcohol was on his mind, and she nodded in confusion. When Xu Ming and her returned home and closed the door, everything seemed to be too late.

Sitting on the sofa, watching Xu Ming walking inside very familiarly and bringing two bottles of wine over, Tang Siqi asked in confusion, "How do you know where the wine cabinet is?"

"common sense."

Xu Ming's answer was very irritating. He sat down and poured the wine, and pushed him a glass in front of Tang Siqi. He had the idea of ​​not letting Tang Siqi be completely drunk and would not give up.

Why does she want a billion? Xu Ming now wants to know the reason.

Tang Siqi didn't know what bad thoughts he had in his heart, so he drank the wine after serving it.

"I won't ask for your money." Xu Ming was a little surprised, she refused him even when she opened her mouth. I thought she asked herself to come up because she wanted to talk about follow-up questions, but after thinking about it, she returned to the dot.

"I need money, yes, but I don't use this method to make money." Leaning on the sofa, Tang Siqi looked at Xu Ming with disdain and said, "I have seen a lot of scumbags like you. It’s a pity that I think I have a few money and any woman can get it. I’m not the kind of woman who sees money open.

"Well, okay, I see." Xu Ming catered to her perfunctorily, and then went to pour her wine. "you are not."

"The two of us don’t know each other anymore. Today I will treat it as a friend meeting and chatting. What do you think of the topic?" Xu Ming changed the subject, distracting Tang Siqi, and making her not treat herself. So be alert.

Tang Siqi didn't want to admit that she and him were friends, but after another thought, he had saved herself when he was in Paris, so she reluctantly nodded.

"Okay, chat with friends, what do you want to talk about?"

"I heard Xiao Xi say that you have signed a contract with her company."

Xu Ming knew what Tang Siqi cares about, so after chatting for a while, Tang Siqi completely put down his guard, and unknowingly drank a lot of alcohol.

When Xu Ming saw that the time was about to come, he turned back to the original topic and mentioned 100 million.

"The Tang family is not short of money, why would you want one billion?"

Xu Ming asked Tang Siqi with a stiff expression and glared at him displeasedly, "Nosy."

"You and Tang Shao’s days are like a heaven and a underground. If it weren’t for knowing that it’s impossible, I would doubt that you are not the biological daughter of the Tang family." Xu Ming stared at her with a smile and a smile, carelessly Joked.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Tang Siqi was easily provoked.

"Then tell me, why did the Tang family's eldest woman have such a miserable life?" Xu Ming raised his eyebrows lightly and continued to ask, "Is it possible that Tang Zi won't give you any money?"

"Which eye do you see my life miserably?"

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