Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2072: Killing is illegal, so be calm (2)

Tang Siqi had a hardened beak and refused to admit her belief in life.

She looked at Xu Ming very seriously and warned: "You are not allowed to say bad things about my brother, he is a good man, different from you scumbags!"

Xu Ming disagreed with her practice of holding one and stepping on the other, but didn't say anything, because Tang Siqi's chat box had been unknowingly opened, and he had already said a lot of what he wanted to hear without him guiding and reminding.

"My brother, is the most powerful person I have ever met! I admire him the most!"

Tang Siqi's words are full of admiration for Tang Ziyi. To be honest, Xu Ming was a little upset.

"Although he doesn't like me, it doesn't matter, I like him! So, I must make him admire!"

"Oh~ So that's the case." Xu Ming smiled thoughtfully, feeling that he had already got the point.

"So, you want to earn one hundred million on your own, so that he will look at you with admiration?"

"Well, yes! My brother likes money the most. If I want to make 100 million, I will give him all!"

Tang Siqi's words made Xu Ming dumbfounded. I really wanted to know what kind of expression Tang Zi would have if he heard her in person.

Tang Siqi was so drunk that she almost vomited. She looked at Xu Ming with drunken eyes, patted her chest and asked, "You said, when will I earn 100 million on my own? Three years, can it? Or five years?"

"Three years will do."

"Ha, I like someone like you who tells the truth, come~ cheers!"

Xu Ming's answer pleased Tang Siqi. After the last glass of wine, he had completely forgotten the grievances between him and Xu Ming, and he was almost like brothers and sisters.

This is also a pure-minded girl, Xu Ming looked at the woman in front of him and smiled without a trace.

I know everything I want to know, and then I can almost leave.

"Xu Ming, why do you guys always see one and love one?" Tang Siqi hugged the pillow, her facial features wrinkled, as if thinking of sad things, she was about to cry.

"Are you sure there are some men who meet one who loves one, not one who wants to sleep?"

"Yes, yes, you are right, it is not love." Tang Siqi nodded again and again, particularly agreeing with his words. "Don't say anything else, we will say hello today! Say, how many women have you slept with?"

This is really a sharp question, Xu Ming smiled and refused to answer. "You don't want to know."

"Hmph, I said you are a scumbag, you still don't admit it."

"Is it really scumbag what you love me?" Xu Ming felt wronged, "I am a normal man, I have normal needs. I have no girlfriend, I am not married, and I have no cheating on extramarital affairs, so I Is it that you shouldn't look for a woman? Why don't you get what you need?"

Tang Siqi opened her mouth, knowing what he was saying, but not knowing how to refute it.

"But you, why do you hate men so much? The man last time was your old boyfriend?"

Tang Siqi's mouth flattened, and the one who was asked was about to cry.

After a long silence, she replied feebly: "Yes, that's right, former boyfriend."

Tang Siqi still feels painful when he closes his eyes and recalls that relationship.

"First love, six years. How many six years can a woman have in her life? I wasted one on him, heh, that's ridiculous."

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