Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2073: Killing is a crime, be calm (3)

When she and Pei Jun first met, they were both students in school.

She has been obedient since she was a child. She can do what she asks at home, and never think about what she doesn't. So even though she grew up in the United States, she was completely out of love with her.

At the beginning, Pei Jun took the initiative to chase her, but after a week of serious consideration, she agreed.

Blushing the first time holding hands, blushing the first time kissing, going to bed for the first time...

That was four years after the two were together, and that day was also her birthday. Pei Jun flew for eight or nine hours to surprise her. After drinking, she left. At that time, she never expected that people would change, and men would be fickle.

Pei Jun will enter the model circle because of Tang Siqi. She helped him run around, and she watched him step onto the runway for the first time. All the memories are so clear that she can't forget even if she wants to.

It's a pity that Pei Jun changed his heart six months after entering this colorful world, no, three months. In half a year, I broke up with her, and didn't give her any chance to ask questions and restore relationships. When her crying eyes were red, she took another woman's hand and appeared in front of her and kissed her.

Tang Siqi thought, fortunately she didn't have any bricks at hand at the time, otherwise she would have smashed his head.

When meeting Xu Ming for the first time, Tang Siqi was waiting for the scum man aggressively. Li Zhike was deceived by that man and was penniless, and then ran away with other women. Li Zhi has nowhere to go, so he can only come to her.

Tang Siqi once discussed this issue with Li Zhike very seriously. Did they both dig men's graves in their previous life and did too many sinful things, so they will be retributed in this life? Then she won't be male in her life, will she not be like this in her next life?

Unfortunately, when she had made up her mind to be pure-hearted for a lifetime, she was put to sleep by Xu Ming.

"You still have a lot of six years, do you want to try it on me?" Xu Ming was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked her, scared Tang Siqi sober.

"I warn you very seriously now. I will make fun of me and get out of here immediately." She pointed her finger in the direction of the door, "Did you see that door? Get out of there!"

"Why so sure I am joking? What if I'm serious?"

"You said, I'm not your food." Tang Siqi touched her **** and laughed at herself: "I have a small breast and can't satisfy you."

"It's good to change the taste occasionally, what do you think?" Xu Ming said, leaning against her.

Tang Siqi stepped back vigilantly, keeping a certain distance from him.

"Don't change, don't try, my dish is heavy in taste, you won't like it! Okay! We are about to talk about what we should talk about, you can go!"

Tang Siqi stood up pretending to be free and easy, and put on a posture to see off the guests. But whether Xu Ming wants to leave or not is another matter.

Can the duck with its mouth let her fly? Obviously impossible.

Xu Ming sat there with a smile, and Tang Siqi took a deep breath, walked over and pulled him up, pulled him all the way to the door, and let out a sigh of relief after pushing the person out.

Just kidding, this is her house, he dare to be so presumptuous? !

Tang Siqi snorted, turned around and planned to go back to the room to rest. But just as soon as she turned around, the door behind her banged, and the door lock... was opened.

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