Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2074: Killing is illegal, so be calm (4)

Tang Siqi turned around in surprise, she was really dumbfounded when she saw Xu Ming appear in front of her again.

How did he get in? How could he have his own house key?

"Forgot to tell you, this is my home."

Xu Ming's words made Tang Siqi completely awake.

Is this his home? how is this possible!

"It seems that Xiao Xi's secrecy work is still good." Xu Ming said with satisfaction, stretched his hand over the dumbfounded person, and walked towards the bedroom.

Chu Xiaoxi was a clever ghost. When she told Tang Siqi to provide her with shelter that day, she thought of Xu Ming. I called him, and the matter was resolved immediately, she also did a good job~

Tang Siqi suddenly realized, annoyed and angry.

"So Chu Xiaoxi signed me as her company's model because of you?!"

"You look at me too high, and you look down on her too much." Xu Ming denied, making Tang Siqi feel a little more comfortable. "On the issue of money, the girl doesn't recognize her. If you have no value, she won't find you."

Following Xu Ming's footsteps top-heavy, Tang Siqi refused to go in when he reached the door of the room. Sitting on the ground stubbornly cocked the door frame, making Xu Ming dumbfounded.

"Are you going to sleep?"

"I won't sleep with you!"

"Well, let's sleep separately and get you up in the cold on the ground."

Tang Siqi didn't believe him so talkative. Xu Ming took advantage of her to relax his vigilance, quickly grabbed the person, and hugged him into the room.

"Ah!! You let me go!"

Tang Siqi screamed in shock, and after being thrown on the bed, she rolled over and rolled to the other side.

"You shout so loudly, you are suspected of disturbing the people. If you continue to shout like this, even if nothing happens, you will be mistaken for..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Mingxie smiled, and Tang Siqi's back was cold.

Lowering her stance, she pleaded: "You can forgive me, okay? I will introduce you to a beautiful woman with a super big breast. It must feel very good. You will bear it tonight!"

After speaking, her gaze unconsciously glanced under Xu Ming, trying to determine how safe she was.

Xu Ming was amused by her words, shook his head and approached her. After blocking people in the corner, he looked at her condescendingly and said, "In fact, your hand feels not bad."

"Stinking rogue!"

"Rogues are as honest as me? Not necessarily."

Feeling this girl more interesting, Xu Ming kept doing it and dragged the person to bed.

There is no comparison between the strength of women and men. Tang Siqi struggled to no avail, and was crushed under him, desperately desperate to cry.

"Let go of me! Xu Ming, you bastard, can you die if you go find another woman?! Why do you rely on me, I won't play with you!"

"If I said that I wanted to play with you last time, then I admit it. But this time, I'm serious."

Xu Ming looked at her with deep eyes and said faintly, Tang Siqi was stiff.

seriously? What serious? What does he mean?

The clothes on his body were taken off inadvertently, his lips were blocked, and all the voices were forced to swallow back into his stomach.

Tang Siqi pushed him vigorously, putting her hands on his chest to prevent him from succeeding, but in the end she found that this had no effect at all, and she was still... completely wiped out.

I was confused again, and when she woke up the next morning, Tang Siqi looked at Xu Ming's sleeping face blankly, thinking about murder and crime in her heart, and she wanted to calm down.

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