Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2075: Be my girlfriend (1)

Why did he just hold onto himself? Tang Siqi couldn't understand.

Repeated and repeated, absolutely can't let him take advantage of anything, and she can't live in this place.

Sitting up cautiously, Tang Siqi felt that her movements were already small enough, but it was a pity that Xu Ming was still woken up.

Xu Ming grabbed the person who got up to run and hugged him firmly.

"Let go!" Looking back at him, Tang Siqi said angrily: "I was drunk last night and couldn't beat you. Now I'm sober, don't mess with me!"

"My temper was so bad in the morning. Was it my bad performance last night?"

As soon as Xu Ming opened his eyes, he was not serious, and Tang Siqi really didn't know how to deal with a man like him, because he didn't eat soft or hard.

"I have an advertisement to shoot in the morning. You have to go to the company earlier. If you don't sleep enough, go to bed by yourself, don't hold me.

"Then I will send you?"

"No, you are too expensive, I can't afford it."

Breaking off his hand, Tang Siqi took a chance and ran away. And this time, Xu Ming did not stop either.

After washing, Tang Siqi ran out of the house as if to escape. In fact, she lied, she is idle today.

I made an appointment with a friend to stroll outside for a whole day, and stopped by her to sleep in the evening. Tang Siqi thought that Xu Ming would still look for herself today, but he didn't expect him to be quiet and dead, without a call.

After three days in this way, Tang Siqi didn't go back to the apartment and didn't contact Xu Ming. I received a call from Chu Xiaoxi that day and asked her to come to the company in the afternoon, because Su Zuonan has two hours today and they want to take a set of promotional photos first.

For the first time working with Su Zuonan, Tang Siqi was still a little nervous. But after seeing the real person, all his worries were relieved.

Su Zuonan is very nice, without any airs, at least in her eyes.

"Eating together tonight?" Chu Xiaoxi stood on the sidelines and walked to Su Zuonan to ask after the shooting was over.

"Not today, I will fly to Thailand at 7 o'clock. Next week... Wednesday, I will come to City B again, and I will call Xiaoxiao together."

"Okay, see you next week."

After saying goodbye to the staff, Su Zuonan hurriedly left. Tang Siqi had nothing to do, and after speaking to Chu Xiaoxi, she turned and left. But when she left the gate, she wanted to go back and shoot a few more groups, because Xu Ming's car was parked on the side of the road and she could see it at a glance.

He must have seen himself too, so it's useless to be a turtle. Thinking of this, Tang Siqi simply walked over generously.

Opening the car door, looking at Xu Ming sitting in the driving seat, Tang Siqi asked proudly: "Come for me?"

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies?" Xu Ming didn't answer the question, making Tang Siqi a little embarrassed.

Could it be that she guessed wrong? Amorous?

"True, truth."

Tang Siqi stammered involuntarily, making Xu Ming amused. "Come to see you, get in the car."

In fact, he came to pick up Chu Xiaoxi, but looking at this posture, it would be better to tell a lie.

He bowed his head and sent a message to Chu Xiaoxi. After seeing her reply, Xu Ming smiled slightly and drove away.

See Sewangyou. Well, he admitted.

When he arrived at the restaurant, Xu Ming looked at people he hadn't seen for a few days and asked, "Did you miss me?"

"No." Tang Siqi replied simply and neatly, "I was in a good mood when I couldn't see you."

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