Has her status in the family been mixed up like this? No one believes even telling the truth? What ecstasy did Xu Ming give them downstairs?

"Mom, what did Xu Ming tell you?" Tang Siqi asked nervously, "He said that he would be back to City B this afternoon and be back in a week. Didn't you and my dad promise him anything?"

"What can we promise? In fact, he was sent away by your brother without saying a few words." Liu Peibai was thinking of Tang Siqi's belly. She stretched out her hand and touched it carefully, then looked at Tang Siqi and said, "We will go to the hospital in a while, and Mom will take you to check it out."

"No, no, really no!" Tang Siqi shook her head repeatedly, "Mom, if we go to the hospital today, we will definitely make headlines again. I don't want to go out in the last few days, I beg you, don't you take me there, okay? "

The last thing Tang Siqi wants to happen now is to see her name on a certain piece of news. Liu Peibai thought for a while and nodded.

"Also, too many people can easily scare children."

She took a mouthful of a child, as if there was a little life in Tang Siqi's belly now, this feeling made Tang Siqi's scalp numb.

Thinking of what Xu Ming said this morning, he said that he believed that Tang Siqi must have his child in his belly now.

"Qiqi, tell the truth with your mother, Xu Ming and Si Rui, which one do you prefer?" Holding Tang Siqi's hand, Liu Peibai frowned and asked her. "There are only two of us here. If you have anything in your heart, please tell mom, and mom will help you."

All mothers hope that their daughter will have a good home in the end, and Liu Peibai is no exception.

Xu Ming and Gu Sirui are two. Although she knows more about Gu Sirui, she has also heard of Xu Ming's name.

Regarding the family, the two are equal. In terms of appearance, it is equally divided.

"I..." Tang Siqi opened her mouth, a little embarrassed.

The person she likes in her heart is of course Xu Ming, but Tang Siqi always feels unwilling.

When things have developed to this point, she can be said to have been forced by Xu Ming's design all the way to the present. He didn't even give her any time to prepare for her pregnancy, and he asked her to cooperate with him to complete this lie.

Now, she wanted to tell others, yes, she just liked Xu Ming and wanted to marry him, which made Tang Siqi always feel a little imbalanced in her heart. Moreover, the most important point is that Tang Siqi is afraid of worry.

Xu Ming said that the person she was going to marry must be her, but he did not say that the person he was going to marry must be her.

Xu Ming now has the idea of ​​marrying her, but Tang Siqi is very clear in his heart that he made this decision because of what.

If Tang Siqi was forced by Xu Ming, then Xu Ming was forced on this road by Tang Ziyi.

Tang Siqi was not reconciled, and Xu Ming was not reconciled, so he was able to compete with Gu Sirui. However, if things calm down and Tang Siqi has become his person, will he still treat Tang Siqi as he does now?

Marriage-phobia is not only for men, but also for women. Tang Siqi has now reached a dead end and does not know what to do next.

After chatting with Liu Peibai for a long time, Tang Siqi truthfully told her what she thought.

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