Like Xu Ming, but dare not marry Xu Ming, this is Tang Siqi's current state. Liu Peibai smiled after hearing this, and seemed to understand Tang Ziyi's move to drive Xu Ming away today.

"Take a good rest and don't think about other things. Mom won't blame you."

"Mom, you should scold me a few words, otherwise I feel uneasy." Tang Siqi said in a crying voice: "Dad must be angry? I dare not go to him. Will you help me beg him?"

"Well, I'll go find him now and see what he means."

After Liu Peibai left, Tang Siqi's eyes were dull, and she felt that she was too tired to live a lifetime.

After taking out his mobile phone, Tang Siqi read the message sent by Xu Ming again, and then replied.

"You made things so big, what do you tell me to do. Xu Ming, you are too selfish."

After the message was sent successfully, Tang Siqi stared at the phone screen until Xu Ming responded.

"You don't have to do anything, just wait at home and I will marry you."

Over and over again, Tang Siqi read this sentence many times, and her mood became more and more complicated. Finally, the phone turned off and threw it aside.

For three whole days, Tang Siqi hadn't even left the door of her room.

The food was delivered upstairs by the servants at home. Tang Siqi's heartbeat would speed up as long as he heard footsteps passing by outside the door.

She refused to know what was happening outside. Don't watch TV or play on mobile phones, Tang Siqi just like this, survived three days with a book, and even she herself admired herself.

The fourth day after Xu Ming left, it was the third to last day since he came to S city.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, Tang Siqi opened his eyes on time, looked at the ceiling and sighed.

Another day begins, a day of doing nothing...

After washing and getting out of bed, Tang Siqi thought and thought, opened the door to the room, and looked out quietly. Her move was seen by Tang Zi who walked out of the corridor.

Tang Ziyi has been living at home in recent days, but this is the first time the two have met.

Grasping Tang Siqi who was guilty of conscience, Tang Zi also looked at her with a smile and asked, "Can you give it up?"

"Brother..." Tang Siqi has gone to bed without problems these days, so her complexion looks better.

"Today we are going to visit guests at home, remember not to be ashamed of going downstairs like this."

Tang Zi also kindly reminded Tang Siqi to be wary after hearing this.

"Guest? Who?" Xu Ming again?

"Brother, is your friend? You never brought your friends home before. What happened recently?"

"Stop talking nonsense, go downstairs to eat at noon." Tang Siqi's forehead was flicked, Tang Zi also strode away, not giving her a chance to say anything more.

Tang Siqi didn't dare not listen to Tang Ziyi's words. So when it was almost eleven o'clock, she kept lying on the windowsill and staring downstairs until the door opened and a car slowly drove in from outside.

Tang Siqi looked downstairs intently, and when she saw the person walking out of the car, she became stiff.

Chu Yichen?

Isn't she wrong, this man should be Chu Yichen, right?

What is he doing at home? Could it be Xu Ming's helper?

Tang Siqi was confused, and quickly turned and ran downstairs, wanting to ask questions in person.

Chu Yichen entered the house one after another with Tang Qiming. After seeing Tang Siqi, he smiled faintly and said hello.

"Siqi, long time no see."

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