Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 267: Rich people are nice

"Just referring to shopping sales, what do you think if you want the two sides to be equal?" Chu Mingyuan asked casually as he walked.

"In fact, our shopping malls have always been developed in a way of strong and weak, and common development. There are two schools in this area. If I look at it, I will focus on the students of these two schools. Above."

"We want to build an integrated community. What is the reason why you only fancy these schools?"

Gu Xiaoxiao saw that Chu Mingyuan looked at herself for inquiries, she smiled, and continued: "The proportion of foreign students in these two schools is quite large, and their purchasing power cannot be underestimated. After our shopping center is completed, it will be like this. The largest shopping mall with the most comprehensive brands in the region. According to surveys, China’s luxury goods sales have increased year after year in recent years, with local consumption reaching 28 billion U.S. dollars, and overseas consumption will further increase, reaching 74 billion U.S. dollars. This shows that Chinese people It will buy 47% of the world’s luxury goods and is the undisputed largest customer in the global luxury goods market. The purchasing agent industry has become more popular in recent years."

Gu Xiaoxiao's investigation was enough, and the data blurted out.

"In 13 years, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer announced that it would simplify the procedures for Chinese visas to the UK in order to attract more Chinese consumers to the UK. Part of the reason for this comes from complaints from British businesses that the current UK visa system cannot attract enough people. 、High consumer groups from China, they are worried about losing sales to Chinese tourists. Therefore, we don’t have to worry about sales."

After listening to Gu Xiaoxiao's words, Chu Mingyuan smiled faintly and said nothing.

When Gu Xiaoxiao went home with him, it was already past seven in the evening. After running around for a day, Gu Xiaoxiao also wore high heels somewhat carelessly. So the first thing she did when she returned to the room was to throw her high heels far away.

Leaning back, Gu Xiaoxiao let out a long sigh of relief. Chu Yichen didn't know what he was doing, and he has not returned yet. Gu Xiaoxiao rested for a while, and found it not interesting, so she got up and went to the study to find a book. She had been to the study last time and knew that there were so many very expensive original books. If she was asked to spend money to buy it, she would definitely be reluctant.

When he came to the study, Gu Xiaoxiao pushed the door in. Standing in front of the bookshelf, she looked at the books on it and swallowed. I took a casual copy, turned around and sat on a chair, and it took more than an hour to see it.

After Chu Yichen came back, seeing that there was no one in the house, he thought about it and went straight to the study. Looking at the people inside, his cold eyes softened slightly, and he walked over.

"This book is out of print. When did you buy it?" Gu Xiaoxiao raised the book in his hand, looking at Chu Yichen and asked.

"Forget, most of them here are out of print or hard to buy, so I will bring them back."

"Tsk tsk, rich people are really nice." Gu Xiaoxiao said in a sour tone, curling her lips and shook her head, not to mention how disgusting the person in front of her was.

"Mrs. Chu, it seems that you still haven't straightened your identity." Chu Yichen slapped his hand on the table and leaned down to meet Gu Xiaoxiao closely. He reminded: "You are early He became a member of the army of rich people and couldn't get out. How about disgusting yourself before dismissing me next time?"

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