Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 406: Expensive wedding photos (2)

The two sat on the sofa watching TV, chatting softly. Gu Xiaoxiao saw the hotel brochure accidentally, and was a little dumbfounded after opening it.

"Royal suite? Nine thousand euros?"

"Yeah." Chu Xiaoxi replied casually after watching TV intently.

"What about our room upstairs?"

"There are more than four thousand upstairs, I don't remember very much, what's wrong?"

"We booked for half a month?" Gu Xiaoxiao continued to ask. Seeing Chu Xiaoxi nodded, he quickly calculated the accommodation expenses for these days in his mind.

13,000 Euros a day is 96,000 RMB. In 15 days, 1.44 million...

If you don't eat or drink, it will cost 1.44 million in half a month. In this way, Gu Xiaoxiao has no daring to imagine how much it will cost to take this set of wedding photos...

Leaning on the sofa, Gu Xiaoxiao did not speak depressed. After watching TV for nearly an hour, Chu Xiaoxi's phone rang. After answering the phone and saying a few words, she looked at Gu Xiaoxiao with some excitement, got up and said, "My baby is waiting here, I'll get the clothes!"

Without waiting for Gu Xiaoxiao's answer, she ran out of the room like the wind. Ten minutes later, a few people followed him, holding a dozen dresses and looking back into Xiao Xiao's sight.

All of them are the latest high-end customized models for Gu Xiaoxiao to take photos for these two days. Chu Xiaoxi looked at Gu Xiaoxiao with a beaming eyebrow and motioned her to go back to her room to try on clothes. Then he told those people to wait and run errands for her at any time.

Being dragged back to the bedroom by Chu Xiaoxi, Gu Xiaoxiao hurriedly prevented her from picking up her clothes.

"I'll do it myself!" Gu Xiaoxiao blushed to stop her, slowly taking off her clothes, thinking, fortunately, Chu Yichen hadn't left any marks on her body in the past two days, otherwise she would be really embarrassed.

"My little ancestor, why is your waist so thin."

Chu Xiaoxi turned around Gu Xiaoxiao, whispering that she was too thin. After carefully measuring her measurements and writing it down on the paper, she went out and gave it to someone outside.

"Just follow this, remember, I must be kicked out before September, or I will fire you!" Chu Xiaoxi threatened them seriously.

"Boss, don't worry, we must be ahead of the boss's clothes!" Several people nodded and left under Chu Xiaoxi's satisfied gaze. Soon, the room was quiet again.

"Baby, you try this one again." Back in the bedroom, Chu Xiaoxi picked up Gu Xiaoxiao who was on the bed, raised a white wedding dress, and said expectantly: "Let me take a look."

There was nothing else to do, and the two tossed in the bedroom.

Putting on the wedding dress chosen by Chu Xiaoxi, Gu Xiaoxiao looked down at herself and then at her.

"looks good?"

"Good-looking!" Chu Xiaoxi nodded several times after being taken aback. With his eyes flickering, he took the phone, took a few pictures of Gu Xiaoxiao and sent them out.

In the suite on the top floor, Chu Yichen was in a video conference. The phone on the table rang, he slid away and saw the photo from Chu Xiaoxi.

After a pause, Chu Yichen's mouth raised slightly. With fingers across the screen, touching the person in the photo, the tenderness in his eyes is unprecedented.

Concentrating hard, Chu Yichen went downstairs impatiently after working as fast as he could.

Gu Xiaoxiao's wedding dress was just taken off, and after a long struggle, she took it off.

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