Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 407: Expensive wedding photos (3)

She knew that the photo of Chu Xiaoxi just now should have been sent to Chu Yichen, so how could she be obediently wearing that suit and waiting for Chu Yichen to see it.

"Go for a walk?" Chu Yichen walked into the room and asked Gu Xiaoxiao, whose cheeks were red.

"Okay, go for a walk."

"I will go too!" Chu Xiaoxi quickly reminded him of his own existence.

"I don't need light bulbs during the day." No, Chu Yichen directly rejected her. Chu Xiaoxi looked at him incredulously, thinking that he was a bit too much.

"Chu Yichen, do you know that you are crossing the river and breaking the bridge?!" Chu Xiaoxi put an arm around Gu Xiaoxiao's shoulders, and Chu Xiaoxi said sternly, "If it weren't for me, you are still eating single dogs like me. Food? I tell you, I don't care, anyway, I'll go wherever you two go, don't want to leave me alone!"

Gu Xiaoxiao laughed lightly, and looked at Chu Yichen and said, "Don't bully her and go out together. Didn't you mean to invite someone to dinner at night?"

"That's right, what's the point of bullying me?" Chu Xiaoxi curled his lips and hugged Gu Xiaoxiao and walked outside. Still not forgetting to remind Chu Yichen behind, "By the way, don't forget to bring money, I want to buy something."

The Champs Elysées Avenue, the whole journey is 1,800 meters. The east section is dominated by natural scenery, with flat English lawns on both sides, which is quiet and peaceful. The western section is a high-end commercial area, where world-class brand stores are concentrated.

Chu Xiaoxi had already said that she was going to buy something, so Gu Xiaoxiao was also somewhat mentally prepared. But she did not expect that her mental preparation was not enough...

Backpack, shoulder bag, handbag, limited edition bag. Necklace ring earrings bracelet cosmetics.

Gu Xiaoxiao finally understood what Chu Yichen had said before and what it meant to take a lot of things when he went back.

When returning to the hotel, Gu Xiaoxiao was exhausted. Leaning against Chu Yichen's arms, looking at Chu Xiaoxi who was excited and happy, she shook her head helplessly.

Watching the TV news, Chu Yichen put his arms on Gu Xiaoxiao's shoulders, fingers wrapped around her hair, enjoying this rare rest.

At half past six in the evening, Chu Xiaoxi's phone rang. After chatting with each other a few words, a few people went out again to meet the photographer she specially invited.

The other party had arrived near the hotel, and soon Gu Xiaoxiao saw someone.

A white man in his thirties, with blond hair and blue eyes, fits all the definitions of a handsome foreign man.

He brought the team over, there were a dozen people. Seeing Chu Xiaoxi, the two sides greeted and talked warmly, seeming to be old friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

The place to eat has been decided long ago. After the meal, everyone walked back to the hotel, and Chu Yichen had already arranged the room.

Gu Xiaoxiao knew nothing about what Chu Yichen did. Compared to the busyness of him and Chu Xiaoxi, he is more like coming over to enjoy a holiday...

The next morning, Gu Xiaoxiao lay down to rest early in the morning. Vaguely, it seemed that Chu Yichen and the other side of the country were making calls.

Woke up early in the morning, filled my stomach and went downstairs. Putting on makeup and trying on clothes were all in Chu Xiaoxi's suite. Gu Xiaoxiao sat in a chair, listening to the makeup artist a little nervously, opening his eyes and closing his eyes to look up and down.

In half an hour, the makeup is finished and the hairstyle is ready. Gu Xiaoxiao looked at herself in the mirror, listening to the appreciation of those behind her, a little embarrassed.

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