"It's okay." Gu Xiaoxiao shook her hand and refused. "I may eat irregularly recently, so my stomach is a little bad. You go to eat, don't worry about me."

She vomited like this, how could the other two eat it.

When Gu Xiaoxiao calmed down a bit, Chu Yichen took her back to the room. Lying on the bed, looking at Chu Yichen's serious face, Gu Xiaoxiao felt that he probably wouldn't dare to cook for himself in the future.

"In fact, the taste is okay, it is really my own problem." Gu Xiaoxiao tried to comfort him.

Chu Yichen didn't pay much attention to what she said. He looked down and thought, touched her head, and asked, "Want to eat something else? I'll go out and buy something."

"Nothing to eat."

"Then take a break, and I'll be back later."

Before leaving, he helped Gu Xiaoxiao turn on the TV, Chu Yichen went downstairs and told Chu Xiaoxi a few words, and then went out.

For half an hour, Chu Yichen came back. Throwing a bag of snacks to Chu Xiaoxi, drove her home, and then went upstairs.

Gu Xiaoxiao was watching One Piece with tears in her eyes. She cried once at the top of the battle, and when she heard footsteps, she quickly wiped away her tears and looked at the door with a guilty conscience.

The tears were wiped clean, but the eye circles were still red. Gu Xiaoxiao looked at Chu Yichen and saw that his brows were frowning, and he dared not speak.

Chu Yichen looked at the TV suspiciously, just when Ace was dead, Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't help it again.

Confirming that Gu Xiaoxiao was crying while watching cartoons, Chu Yichen breathed a sigh of relief. Walked over and coaxed for a while, and when Gu Xiaoxiao became emotionally stable, she handed her something.

"Go to the bathroom and check it yourself."

"This...what is it?" Gu Xiaoxiao lowered her head, and after reading the words on the package clearly, her cheek was flushed to the root of her ears.

Pregnancy tests.

What did he give her this thing...

"Go ahead, obedient."

"I..." Gu Xiaoxiao twisted her body and was pulled up by him. "No, don't try."

"No? No?" Chu Yichen glanced at her and asked jokingly: "How many days have you counted since the beginning of last month to the end of this month. Forget about the days with a comfortable stomach?"

Gu Xiaoxiao took a breath. Hasn't she been here for a long time? !

After thinking about it carefully, Gu Xiaoxiao's back was cold. There have been too many things recently, plus she suffered a lot of injuries, so she didn't pay attention to it at all. Moreover, the days of not coming to my aunt are really comfortable... after so long passed without paying attention, Gu Xiaoxiao still feels nothing.

Hurrying into the bathroom and closing the door, Gu Xiaoxiao blushed and looked at the instructions on the package. After trying the steps, I am anxiously waiting for the results.

Thirty seconds passed quickly. When Gu Xiaoxiao saw the two bars on the pregnancy test stick, she was shocked.

"Yichen, do you still have it there? I still want to try." After a while of silence, Gu Xiaoxiao opened his mouth carefully.

"Well, more, open the door for you."

Chu Yichen had been waiting outside, and he knew what she said.

Gu Xiaoxiao's menstrual period, he always remembered clearly. In the first few days, he thought Gu Xiaoxiao might be frightened because of what happened in Guangzhou, and it might affect it. But as time got longer and longer, Chu Yichen also began to think of other aspects.

It’s been a while since I didn’t take any contraceptive measures.

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