Gu Xiaoxiao opened the door a crack and reached out to ask for a pregnancy test stick. I closed the door immediately after receiving it and tried again.

The result was still the same, Gu Xiaoxiao held a pregnancy test stick in one hand, a little at a loss.

Although at the beginning, she was the one who offered to have a child. But when she was really pregnant, Gu Xiaoxiao didn't know what to do.

She looked down at her belly, where there was a little life now.

This is a feeling I have never felt before...a life is bred in your body, and Gu Xiaoxiao becomes nervous when he thinks that she will gradually grow up with the passage of time.

How to do? She can't even take care of herself, how will she take care of the children in the future?

Gu Xiaoxiao leaned on the door without speaking for a long time, and Chu Yichen stood outside and knocked on the door.

"Baby, come out."

Gu Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, stood up straight slowly, and opened the door.

Looking down in front of Chu Yichen, Gu Xiaoxiao said nothing. Chu Yichen looked at her red ears, and a smile flashed across her eyes. Raising her hand to take what was in her hand, after seeing it with her own eyes, the smile on her mouth became more obvious.

Putting things aside, hugging her back to the bedroom.

Gu Xiaoxiao sat on the bed, turned to look at Chu Yichen, her red lips pressed tightly.

"Why don't you speak?" Chu Yichen asked with a smile in his voice.

"That thing... is it accurate?"

"It should be correct. I will take you to the hospital tomorrow morning for another check."

"But I don't feel anything at all. If it weren't, wouldn't it be in vain to be happy." Gu Xiaoxiao was a little worried, afraid it would be an oolong.

"How do you feel?" Chu Yichen raised her chin and smiled in her eyes. With a little effort, she pressed Gu Xiaoxiao and lay down on the bed, and her hand brushed her stomach.

I have already taken all the medicine I took from the psychiatrist. Gu Xiaoxiao has been a bit lazy recently, and she has fallen asleep very quickly. Although she didn't have much appetite before, she was not as picky as she was during this time. Therefore, Chu Yichen was still somewhat prepared.

Gu Xiaoxiao heard the smile in his words and curled her lips. She calmed her mood and turned her head to look at him.

"If you are really pregnant with a baby, do you want it to be a boy or a girl?"

"Girl." Chu Yichen answered directly without hesitation.

"Why? I thought you would like your son more."

"Hello, daughter." Chu Yichen's tone was very firm, and Gu Xiaoxiao was a little disturbed.

"What if I give birth to a son?"

"I gave birth to my son... I sent it to Nanjing to train my father. After I gave birth to my daughter, I stayed with me as a little princess."

"Chu Yichen, why are you so eccentric?!" Gu Xiaoxiao was stunned, never expecting that he was such a person.

"It's eccentric, it just likes her daughter." Chu Yichen was still confident, kissed Gu Xiaoxiao's red lips, and whispered: "But I love you the most, so don't be jealous."

Gradually hugged Gu Xiaoxiao, and the clothes on her body were quickly thrown on the ground. Gu Xiaoxiao panted and moaned unconsciously. Lying under him, catering to his movements.

I had a good dream, and when I woke up the next day, after eating something in the morning, Chu Yichen took Gu Xiaoxiao to the hospital.

The result of the examination was the same as last night. The doctor looked at the two with a smile and said congratulations. Then, I gave them some reminders.

"The first three months is a very important period. Minimize the couple's life."

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