Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 432: Xiaoxiao is pregnant

The doctor's words made Gu Xiaoxiao wish to find a place to sew in, but Chu Yichen beside her was extremely calm.

"Okay, thank you doctor."

Leaving the hospital and sitting in the car, Gu Xiaoxiao leaned weakly against the car window and turned to look at Chu Yichen with a confused expression.

"Go to the company or go home?" Chu Yichen turned around and asked.

"Go to the company, boring at home."

"Okay, then go to the company."

Neither of them attended the morning meeting. Both were late. It was a bit difficult to think about it. Gu Xiaoxiao tried to concentrate on work, but from time to time she still lost her mind. She couldn't help but think that there is a little life in her belly now.

After get off work in the evening, Chu Yichen drove towards the old house. Chu Xiaoxi wasn't very happy, and asked, "It's not the weekend, why are you going back?"

"If you don't go back, you will cook?"

Chu Yichen's words made Chu Xiaoxi silent for an instant, recalling the scene of Gu Xiaoxiao vomiting yesterday, she couldn't even say a word of refutation.

The three of Chu Yichen went home suddenly, making the rest of them a little surprised. At the dinner table, Chu Yichen opened his mouth after eating and drinking.

"I will come back to eat every day and move back to live temporarily."

"Brother?!" Chu Xiaoxi frowned. Although the two of them don't know how to cook, it's okay to eat out! "Let grandma go with us, I don't want to come back."

"Xiao Xiao is pregnant."

The chopsticks in Gu Xiaoxiao's hand fell to the ground with a snap of Chu Yichen's words. She knew that he meant that when he came back, but she didn't expect that she said it so frankly...

In an instant, everyone's attention was focused on Gu Xiaoxiao. Gu Xiaoxiao was a little nervous when he lowered his head and dared not touch their sight.

"I went to the hospital this morning. She doesn't like eating recently, so it's better to come back."

"Yes, yes, it's better to come back." After hearing this, Chu Xiaoxi remembered the scene of giving Gu Xiaoxiao a nap last night and nodded quickly. "After that, we will eat at home every day."

Yao Muqing didn't say a word for a long time, and suddenly healed, suddenly turned his head to look at Chu Mingyuan.

"I heard you right? Today is not April. Didn't your son come back to tease me?"

The corner of Chu Mingyuan's mouth also raised slightly. Such good news can't help but make people happy.

Gu Xiaoxiao was surrounded by them, and after speaking for a long time, he finally returned to the room.

Without so many eye-catching sights, she let out a long sigh of relief and lay down on the bed complaining about Chu Yichen. "I still want to tell them after a while, you said so quickly."

"No way, who can make your husband not know how to cook and take care of you." Chu Yichen walked over and bent over and kissed her. "I'll go to the study and talk to Chenglang about something, and I'll be back soon."

"Don't come back! I won't sleep with you tonight!"

Gu Xiaoxiao spoke strongly and waved to Chu Yichen to leave quickly.

When Gu Xiaoxiao became pregnant, the atmosphere of the entire Chu family was different. Gu Xiaoxiao feels a little awkward as she has become a key protection object. But her body is not strong, she has no other way.

The early pregnancy reaction is about six weeks, and Gu Xiaoxiao is now a little more than four weeks and less than five weeks. Since vomiting at home that night, her reaction has become more and more obvious.

Another week passed, Gu Xiaoxiao vomited dimly every day, until she wanted to cry.

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