Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 433: Lonely after a month of marriage?

Lying on the bed feebly and rolling, Gu Xiaoxiao is not even going to work now. Chu Xiaoxi was afraid that she would be bored, so he skipped work and stayed with her at home.

"When is this a head..." Gu Xiaoxiao whispered while looking up at Chu Xiaoxi.

Knowing that pregnancy is so painful, she stopped making a fuss about having children.

"You don't have to vomit for nine months?"

"No, no, it will be fine in two months. Don't worry." Chu Xiaoxi felt distressed when she saw her like this. However, I have more than enough energy and cannot help much. Seeing Gu Xiaoxiao lose weight every day, she is even thinner than before she was pregnant.

The news of Gu Xiaoxiao's pregnancy must be told from Nanjing. Thus, Chu Yunfei had something to show off again.

When Chu Yixuan came back that day, he went to the military area to do something. Just when he was driving back, he unexpectedly ran into Ling Qianyu.

"Why are you back?" Ling Qianyu asked curiously.

"Xiao Xiao is pregnant, come back and have a look."

Ling Qianyu frowned, and his body stiffened by the news. Chu Yixuan saw her reaction in his eyes, did not say much, said hello and left.

About Ling Qianyu, he has known about it in recent days. Because of this, she can't let her know the real purpose of her return.

Gu Xiaoxiao is pregnant...

These words reverberated in Ling Qianyu's mind over and over again, making all her good moods gone.

Gu Xiaoxiao, with Chu Yichen's child...

His eyes were gradually covered by the haze, Ling Qianyu clenched his fists. Taking a deep breath, she smiled coldly and walked away.

It has been half a month since Gu Xiaoxiao discovered that she was pregnant. And it has been nearly a month since Jin Jing and Lin Churui got married.

One month was enough for Jin Jing to see this abnormal man clearly. After being beaten several times, Jin Jing also learned to be smarter.

To marry Lin Churui, she is not so much Lin Churui's wife, it is better to say that she is a **** and slave that Lin Churui bought with money.

During the day the two did not meet, Lin Churui went to work at the company, no matter what Jin Jing did at home. Some vent in the evening, and then sleep and rest. Living this way day after day, Jin Jing felt boring and difficult.

Lin Churui did not wear a condom, but forced her to take contraceptives. But this is exactly what Jin Jing thought, giving him the kind of child? She didn't want to.

Sitting boringly on the balcony basking in the sun and drinking milk tea, after receiving a call from a friend, Jin Jing packed up and went out to play. When she came back, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

After drinking, Jin Jing felt dizzy. Going upstairs, I wanted to go back to the room and take a bath to wake up. When passing by the study, Jin Jing suddenly heard a strange sound inside.

The feet on the blanket stopped immediately, and Jin Jing looked at the door with a puzzled expression, listening to the woman's groan, full of doubts.

She tiptoed to the door, she put her ear on the door, her mind was completely awake.

Lin Churui came back and was fooling around with other women.

Standing up straight, Jin Jing sneered.

They have only been married for a month, is he so lonely?

After drinking, I got a little grumpy. So Jin Jing didn't think so much, kicked the door open and looked at the two people inside. But after seeing the scene in the house, Jin Jing couldn't help but froze there.

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