Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 436: Unscrupulous, I like it.

Jin Jing thought about it for three days and finally made a decision.

This day, when Lin Churui came home from get off work, Jin Jing asked Ling Qianyu's phone number.

Seeing Lin Churui's dazed expression, Jin Jing smiled slightly. "Why, don't tell me that you don't know her phone number."

"What can you do with her?" Lin Churui asked coldly.

"Your sweetheart, what do I dare to do if I ask her?" Jin Jing laughed at herself: "She said it. If I want to find her, I can call you. Didn't she tell you?"

Lin Churui forgave Jin Jing for not having the guts to lie to him, so after thinking about it, he gave her her phone number.

When Jin Jing called Ling Qianyu, Ling Qianyu was doing massage in the beauty salon. I took the phone lazily, saw an unfamiliar number, answered it. After hearing Jin Jing's voice, she smiled silently.

The two agreed on a time and place to meet, and Jin Jing went out for the appointment. Ling Qianyu sat dignifiedly and gracefully in the cafe, looking down at the magazine. Hearing the footsteps, she raised her head to look at Jin Jing. She beckoned to call the waiter. After ordering two cups of coffee, she talked to Jin Jing about business.

"Think about it?"

"How do you want to cooperate." Jin Jing leaned on the sofa, actually admiring Ling Qianyu in her heart. After all, it is not something anyone can do to be able to tidy up a perverted man like Lin Churui.

"As long as the child in Gu Xiaoxiao's stomach is gone, will you help me save Mu Yunfan? Why should I trust you? There are also many people who cross the river and demolish the bridge these years. To provoke Gu Xiaoxiao, I want The risk is also great. I don’t accept bad checks, so how can you convince me that you do what you say?"

Jin Jing asked out the doubt in her heart, and waited for Ling Qianyu to answer her.

"Mu Yunfan is really that important?" Ling Qianyu took a sip of coffee and asked curiously: "If I exchange one billion for Mu Yunfan, I wonder if you will agree?"

Jin Jing furrowed her brows tightly, and didn't say anything.

"Don't look at me like that, and don't tell me that money is not important." Ling Qianyu said with a light smile: "If money is not important, Mu Yunfan will not come to you. You will not marry Lin Churui. You and I live in this world to make money and spend money. Therefore, if I cooperate, I will show my sincerity and will never give you a bad check."

While Ling Qianyu spoke, he really took out a check from his wallet and put it in front of Jin Jing.

"Five million is considered a deposit. As long as you can satisfy me, money is not a problem."

If you want to ask Ling Qianyu what the most is now, it must be money. Or it can be said that she has nothing but money.

"But then again, Gu Xiaoxiao is so well protected now, what are you going to do?" Ling Qianyu put his cheek in one hand, with a pure and innocent expression on his face, which formed a huge contrast with what she said. "Even I can't see her."

"It's impossible for a good student like her to not take the school exam next week. What's more, even if you don't see her, you can still see other people around her."

"Other people?" Ling Qianyu squinted his eyes. "You wouldn't be bold enough to want to move Chu Yichen's family, would you?"

"Gu Xiaoxiao has a grandma who is also in city B, don't you know?"

After Ling Qianyu was startled, he chuckled.

"Sure enough, I didn't read the wrong person." Looking at Jin Jing with a smile, she nodded and said, "Unscrupulous, I like it."

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