Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 437: I can't forget that you are a murderer

"Mutual each other." Jin Jing put away the check and was not polite to her. "But since it's cooperation, you should do something more or less. If you need your help, I will call you."

"I will look forward to receiving your call." Ling Qianyu touched the person in front of Jin Jing with the coffee cup in his hand, "Use coffee instead of wine, and get together another day."

"Thanks." Jin Jing drank her cup of coffee in one breath, got up and left. "Then see you another day."

After leaving the cafe, Jin Jing went to the bank to withdraw money. Ling Qianyu was right, money is a good thing. As long as you have money, you will feel at ease.

Gu Xiaoxiao was pregnant, but she didn't expect Chu Yixuan to come back. Sitting in the living room, watching Chu Yixuan chat with a few others, Gu Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed.

After returning to the room at night, Chu Yichen saw her anxiety and asked her what happened.

"I'm just pregnant. I feel like wasting a lot of your time."

Gu Xiaoxiao knew how busy the Chu family were. But since she became pregnant, she has become the center of the family. No matter when, no matter where you go, there will be people around you.

"Big brother said he came back to see me, I'm so guilty... the troops are busy, right?"

"He bluffed you." Chu Yichen calmed her emotions while rubbing Gu Xiaoxiao's hair. "Not only to come back to see you, he has other things to do."


"Really." Chu Yichen nodded, "So don't think too much. I will go to the study to talk to him about something, and go to me if I have anything to do."

"What about Ling Qianyu?" Gu Xiaoxiao's mind flashed, and she guessed another reason for Chu Yixuan's return. "Is it coming back for this?"

If you can't hide it, then confess.

"Little smart thing, read quickly and go to bed early at night."

The exam is about to come. Gu Xiaoxiao is grinding her gun recently, doing the final review before the exam.

Gu Xiaoxiao wants an exam, and so does Chu Xiaoxi. It was boring to read in the room alone, so Chu Xiaoxi took the book and went to find Gu Xiaoxiao. Unexpectedly, he ran into An Chenglang as soon as he went out.

When Chu Xiaoxi saw An Chenglang, he subconsciously turned back to the room. An Chenglang grabbed her with quick eyes, turned around and blocked the door.

"Why are you so afraid of me?" Looking at Chu Xiaoxi, he frowned and asked, "I don't want to look at me more?"

"Just know it." Chu Xiaoxi replied coldly: "Let go, this is my house, you are polite, thank you for me."

After sighing heavily, An Chenglang looked helpless.

"Is it so difficult to make you forget that person?" Released his hand, An Chenglang asked in a low voice, "I have been around you for so many years, so I can't see it at all?"

"I can't forget." Chu Xiaoxi gave him the answer he wanted. "I will never forget the fact that you are a murderer."

Staring into An Chenglang's eyes, Chu Xiaoxi said this word by word. Then, she strode forward, slammed An Chenglang away, and went to find Gu Xiaoxiao.

An Chenglang stared at her back until she disappeared around the corner and could no longer be seen. Take a deep breath and calm down. He opened the door of Chu Xiaoxi's room, stood at the door and looked at it for a while before leaving to go to the study room and meeting with Chu Yichen.

"What's the matter?" Gu Xiaoxiao saw Chu Xiaoxi that she was unhappy. "Who messed with you? Isn't it An Chenglang?"

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