Gu Xiaoxiao spoke vigorously, feeling a little overwhelmed for a while. After seeing An Chenglang's unpleasant gaze, he realized that now there are only two of them, and no one is supporting her.

Shrinking her neck, Gu Xiaoxiao gained confidence again.

"Staring at me? I won't help you if you stare at me!"

Leaning back on the seat, Gu Xiaoxiao squinted at An Chenglang while talking to him. The two chatted without a word, and Gu Xiaoxiao answered a call from Chu Xiaoxi.

"Are you with An Chenglang?!" Hearing Gu Xiaoxiao's answer, Chu Xiaoxi jumped up from the chair. "What are you doing with him?"

"It's a little boring at home, let him take me out for a drive, and teach me to drive by the way." Gu Xiaoxiao lied without flushing, and after holding Chu Xiaoxi steady, she continued to spend the time with An Chenglang.

Two hours passed quickly, and it was no problem to get the inspection form. But the next six weeks will be the most tormenting time.

An Chenglang did not tell anyone about this, nor did he intend to let anyone know. Gu Xiaoxiao's decision was to wait for the exact examination results in six weeks before choosing whether to inform them of the incident. Otherwise, during this month and a half, no one in the Chu family would be able to feel at ease.

The two of them knew about such a bad thing.

Back home, Chu Xiaoxi was already waiting in the living room. Hearing the sound of footsteps, she quickly ran to Gu Xiaoxiao and pulled her over. After a cold glance at An Chenglang, he dragged Gu Xiaoxiao upstairs.

"You tell me what you think?" The door of the room slammed shut, and Chu Xiaoxi looked at Gu Xiaoxiao with a dark face. "There are so many people in your family that you did not choose, but you chose him An Chenglang!? Gu Xiaoxiao, do you despise my car skills? I tell you, I can drive as soon as I can step on the accelerator. Why don't you want me like this? Good coach, choose him as a scumbag?!"

"Look, I'm excited about you. There are quite a few people in the family, but he is the only idler like me." Gu Xiaoxiao smiled lightly, "And you forgot, he saved it. The two of us. So I think he may not be that bad either."

"Gu Xiaoxiao, aren't you? He was brainwashed after only going out for a while?"

Chu Xiaoxi felt incredible. What has An Chenglang been doing in the UK in recent years? Learn to pass/sell? so smart?

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm definitely on your side!" Gu Xiaoxiao calmed her emotions. "Okay, okay, I won't go out with him in the future. If you are anxious, he can't sell me."

"I'm afraid he will really sell you at that time, you still help him count the money!"

Chu Xiaoxi snorted coldly, and leaned on the bed to ignore Gu Xiaoxiao. Gu Xiaoxiao coaxed him for a while, and after repeated assurances, he coaxed people.

"What's the matter with your hand?" Chu Xiaoxi asked in surprise when he accidentally saw the bruise on Gu Xiaoxiao's finger.

Except for the thumb, there is a bruising blood stain on the other fingers, which is very painful at first glance.

"It was accidentally caught when the door was closed." Gu Xiaoxiao smiled, "I was pregnant for three years, understand it."

After everything was done perfunctory, Gu Xiaoxiao's heart was still heavy.

An Chenglang...

Thinking of him, Gu Xiaoxiao felt that the next month would be extremely long and difficult.

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