Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 448: Take you to the hospital!

Gu Xiaoxiao vomited and fell asleep every day. I lost all interest in the food I was interested in in the past. She has lost six catties since she was pregnant. And according to this posture, I must continue to lose weight.

Sunday, it's time for dinner with classmates.

Gu Xiaoxiao didn't have any appetite, but watching her classmates chatting so excitedly in the group, saying how to eat with herself, she couldn't bear to break her promise, and they were disappointed.

After tidying up, he went out with Chu Xiaoxi. When we arrived at the agreed hotel, the others were already waiting here. When Gu Xiaoxiao appeared together, the room was quiet instantly.

The two sat down, and they chatted politely. After the waiter delivered the food, Gu Xiaoxiao originally wanted to give everyone some face and eat more. But the moment something entered his mouth, Gu Xiaoxiao felt that it tasted wrong.

She and Chu Xiaoxi had been to this restaurant before and had eaten more than once or twice. I thought the food here was okay. Although it's not cheap, the taste of the food is worth the price. But today...

Gu Xiaoxiao's face looked a little ugly as she tried to swallow what was in her mouth.

I don’t know if my appetite is getting worse recently, or there is a problem with the ingredients of this dish. In short, Gu Xiaoxiao has completely lost the thought of wanting to eat any more.

"Doesn't it suit your appetite?" The classmate sitting next to her looked at her cautiously eating, asking please. "Then do you want to order a few other dishes?"

"No, no, the dishes are pretty good." Gu Xiaoxiao saw other people watching over, and explained: "I have some cold recently and I'm not feeling well, so I don't like eating. You know when I lose weight, usually It’s the same at home. We came today mainly to talk to everyone. I haven’t been back to school for a long time. I miss you a lot."

Gu Xiaoxiao didn't mention her pregnancy, and she didn't want too many people to know about it.

She has indeed lost a lot of weight, so everyone here does not have much doubt. Everyone was eating lively, Gu Xiaoxiao basically drank boiled water throughout the whole process, everyone had a good chat, and the time passed quickly.

After the meal, Gu Xiaoxiao said goodbye to everyone, ready to go home.

"When is their food so terrible?"

Gu Xiaoxiao was not the only one who discovered that the food was wrong. Without outsiders, Chu Xiaoxi began to vomit unceremoniously.

"Not as good as the Mala Tang in the school cafeteria, it's terrible."

"I guess I changed the chef." Gu Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and smiled, "but it's really unpalatable."

After the car started, Gu Xiaoxiao felt sick in her stomach before returning home. She covered her mouth and asked Chu Xiaoxi to stop the car on the side of the road. She hurriedly unfastened her seat belt and squatted on the side of the road.

This is not the first time Gu Xiaoxiao has vomited, so Chu Xiaoxi also knows how to deal with it.

He took a bottle of water and walked to Gu Xiaoxiao's side, gently patting her back while passing the water over.

Gu Xiaoxiao turned pale and was sweating all over. Although it was 30 degrees high, she shivered coldly.

Chu Xiaoxi soon realized that she was wrong and started to panic.

"Baby, don't scare me, are you okay?" Anxiously, she helped Gu Xiaoxiao stand up, Chu Xiaoxi's voice was shaking. "I will take you to the hospital!"

Gu Xiaoxiao waved his hand first, then squatted on the ground and began to vomit for a while. Chu Xiaoxi dragged him into the car until he almost collapsed, and slammed on the accelerator and ran towards the hospital.

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