Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 480: Chu Yichen in a skirt

"Well, I'm Gu Xiaoxiao." Gu Xiaoxiao nodded and answered happily. "Good for grandpa and grandma, good for uncle."

As soon as Gu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, the three exchanged glances and gave a meaningful smile. Gu Xiaoxiao's scalp numb.

After being scanned up and down several times by the three of them, Gu Xiaoxiao looked at Chu Xiaoxi unnaturally, and silently asked for help.

what does this mean?

Dissatisfied with yourself?

Do you think she is too thin? Too ugly?

"I said, grandma, don't patronize your family. I have been standing there for a long time. Why is no one looking at me?" An Chenglang aloud to help Gu Xiaoxiao escape, turning the attention of several people to himself .

"Who is this kid?"

"I don't recognize it."

"Xiao Xi, let's go."

The three unanimously regarded An Chenglang as a stranger, dragged Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Xiaoxi to the front, isolating An Chenglang behind. However, they did not forget to throw the suitcase at him.

The dignified young master was treated like a slave by the Chu family. An Chenglang thought about it for himself, but felt sad.

After driving home, Yao Muqing has also returned from work. Several people sat in the living room chatting, and then Gu Xiaoxiao heard Yin Zihua ask Yao Muqing, "Is this the mahjong master you mentioned?"

"Yeah, yes." Yao Muqing looked at Gu Xiaoxiao and nodded. "I have just learned, but I can record and play cards, so I can't win money at all."

"Walk around and chat while playing."

Without saying a few words, Yin Zihua and Yao Muqing stood up and walked towards the mahjong room.

Gu Xiaoxiao was confused, thinking that this old man was in good health. After more than ten hours of flying back, I clamored to play mahjong when I got home, and there was no need to adjust the jet lag...

"Let me tell you, my grandma has played mahjong for a lifetime, so you should be careful to control yourself. If they see you, you will join the mahjong army in the future."

Chu Xiaoxi and Gu Xiaoxiao walked behind. She held Gu Xiaoxiao's arm and leaned against her ear, warning and warning in a small, kindly voice.

"How to control it? Just keep losing?" Gu Xiaoxiao was a little nervous.

"No way, no way, you can see at a glance that you are pretending. Half and half, take good care of yourself."

While talking, several people have already reached the place. Gu Xiaoxiao had the feeling of catching a duck on the shelf. Sitting in front of the mahjong machine, she hoped that Chu Yichen could come back soon.

Yin Zihua and Yao Muyu, two elderly people in their sixties, are full of energy, and Yao Muqing saw Mahjong's eyes glow. Gu Xiaoxiao looked at the cards in her hand, playing with a complex mood, always remembering Chu Xiaoxi's reminder.

To control...or you will be a member of the mahjong army...

Chu Yichen went home early, which was a rescue for Gu Xiaoxiao.

When she saw him, Gu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up. Chu Yichen leaned on the door frame, folded his hands around his chest, and slightly frowned at the people in the room.

"Oh, Xiao Chenchen is back."


Gu Xiaoxiao looked at Yin Zihua beside her in a daze. It was the first time she heard someone call Chu Yichen like that.

Feeling Gu Xiaoxiao's gaze, Yin Zihua smiled mysteriously and took down the thing that had been hanging on his chest, which looked like a telescope and an eye protector and gave it to Gu Xiaoxiao.

Gu Xiaoxiao didn't understand what she meant, and under her instructions, she put it on her head and looked at Chu Yichen. Then she felt that the door to the new world had opened again.

Chu Yichen.

She saw Chu Yichen in a skirt.

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