Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 481: Ling Qianyu's Backer

Gu Xiaoxiao felt so magical. When he went to see others, the clothes on her body changed, and the surrounding environment was also different.


Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but sigh, and when he went to see Chu Yichen again, he had already walked in front of him.

The sudden approach made Gu Xiaoxiao startled. The thing on his head was pulled off all of a sudden, and Chu Yichen didn't need to ask, he also knew that it was not a good thing.

"How old is it to play?" Pulling Gu Xiaoxiao to stand, Chu Yichen sat down in her seat and asked the other people aloud. After hearing their answers, he turned his head to look at Gu Xiaoxiao, and said softly, "Go back to the room and wait for me."

"Okay." Gu Xiaoxiao hesitated and nodded. She was indeed a little tired, and it seemed that Yin Zihua and the others were looking forward to playing with Chu Yichen, so she followed Chu Xiaoxi to leave here quickly and ran back to the room.

An hour before dinner, Chu Yichen came back with a wad of money in his hand and threw it on the table.

He was about to let Chu Xiaoxi leave, but the phone rang appropriately from time to time. After answering the phone in Chu Xiaoxi's sly smile, Chu Yichen walked to the balcony and talked with each other in a low voice.

"Are you tonight? Okay, I know... Well, if you need help, just ask... John Cena? Are you sure?... Know a little bit, let's talk about it when we meet tomorrow... Well, OK."

After hanging up the phone, Chu Yichen looked into the distance with some gloomy eyes.

John Cena, the backer behind Ling Qianyu, finally showed up.

Returning to the room, Chu Yichen watched Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Xiaoxi stare at him intently, then pointed to the door and signaled Chu Xiaoxi to leave.


Chu Xiaoxi protested unhappily, but got up and left.

Gu Xiaoxiao hung her head and kept thinking about things.

They all heard Chu Yichen's phone call just now, John Cena... Why does she think this name is so familiar? Where did you hear it?

Ling Qianyu picked up the plane at the airport in person, and looked at the man who hadn't seen him for two years, she stepped forward and gave him a hug.

After kissing Ling Qianyu's cheek, the tall middle-aged man looked at her with a smile and said, "Baby, you are beautiful again."

"Thank you, I look in the mirror every day." Ling Qianyu raised an eyebrow and smiled, guiding him to go outside.

After getting in the car, Ling Qianyu looked at the somewhat restless hand on his lap, squinted at him, shook his head, and signaled him not to worry.

After arriving at the hotel for dinner, Ling Qianyu asked Shen Zhiyang to go back first.

Holding John Cena's arm upstairs, Ling Qianyu looked gloomy.

When he came to the room and closed the door, Ling Qianyu looked at him again with a smile.

Taking off her clothes very actively, she knew very well what her position was for the man in front of her.

The long night was the most difficult night for Ling Qianyu in these two years. The whole night didn't close her eyes. The next morning, after waiting for the man to leave, she called Shen Zhiyang exhaustedly and asked him to pick herself up.

When Shen Zhiyang arrived at the hotel, he frowned when he saw Ling Qianyu.

She was pale and didn't even have the strength to walk. Leaning on the wall and still swaying, her hair is scattered, and her body is wrapped in a large windbreaker, which is not suitable for this season.

Shen Zhiyang held her with swift hands and quickly picked up the person who had almost fallen to the ground.

Ling Qianyu's cold body temperature made Shen Zhiyang a little worried. Looking at her blurred eyes, he rolled up her sleeves and looked at her arms.

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