Gu Xiaoxiao wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

Forget it, if the child is messing around, the other party is definitely not serious.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Xiaoxiao went downstairs and waited for Chu Yichen to come back. Her chest was particularly stuffy today, and she didn't know why. So, after dinner, Gu Xiaoxiao asked him if he could take himself out to let the wind out.

Chu Yichen definitely agreed, and drove Gu Xiaoxiao out to hang out. The two chatted in the car about where they would live in the future.

After giving birth, they should go back to the old house and live there for a while, so that Yao Muqing and the others can look after the children, and it is also convenient for Gu Xiaoxiao and the elders to learn more about taking care of children.

However, they will definitely not live there forever. So Gu Xiaoxiao thought, should I live in the apartment then or where to go.

Chu Yichen meant that he wanted Gu Xiaoxiao to go to the villa on the other side of Beihe. Because the environment there is good and quiet, and the house has its own garden, no matter how you look at it, it is a good place to raise children. If Gu Xiaoxiao doesn't like it, you can choose another place. Anyway, there are many houses, so you can choose whatever you want.

Gu Xiaoxiao listened to the tone of his speech, the feeling of sugar daddy after a long absence came back.

The two talked softly, the car was very slow, and a gap was left in the window. Gu Xiaoxiao looked at the night scene out of the window, and suddenly saw a car stopped in front of him, and three men walked out of the car, followed by a woman.

The three men looked very strong, and they looked around warily. The woman following them made Gu Xiaoxiao a little surprised. Especially after seeing her face.

Li Youran was chewing bubble gum in her mouth and carrying a backpack on her back, but she was wearing a very ladylike skirt and high heels. The bubble in the mouth got bigger and bigger, and it got on the nose accidentally.

"Eh? Little Taimei?" Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw her.

Little sister?

Listening to the three words that Gu Xiaoxiao said, Chu Yichen glanced suspiciously at the person she was looking at.

"Do you recognize her?"

"That's right..." Gu Xiaoxiao kept her eyes on Li Youran, "I've seen her a few times, and every time I see her dressed differently,'s quite distinctive."

I haven't seen Li Youran for several months, and Chu Yixuan has never returned to City B. Did they break up? Thinking of this, Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but feel a little lost.

Li Youran walked forward unwillingly, her eyes flashed after she glanced at Chu Yichen's car.

The people in the car looked outside the car, and the people outside looked at the car. Just when Gu Xiaoxiao thought that she was looking at her, Li Youran suddenly rushed towards their car and surprised Gu Xiaoxiao.

Their speed is really slow, even slower than electric cars. So seeing Li Youran running so straight, Chu Yichen wanted to stop the car, it was a very simple matter.

The car stopped with a kick. With a sound of "Ah", Li Youran lay down beside the car.

"Touching or touching porcelain?" Gu Xiaoxiao was stunned by her acting skills. She lay on the front cover of the car after the car stopped, and then fell to the ground, right?

Chu Yichen didn't say anything, unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car. Walked to Li Youran's side, looked down at her without speaking.

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