Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 806: Tell Chu Yixuan, I am pregnant with his baby!

The three men who followed Li Youran obviously did not expect such a thing to happen, so they stood aside, you looked at me and I looked at you, all at a loss.

Li Youran ran into it deliberately, and they all could see clearly. Seeing the man in the car stepping down, staring at Li Youran imposingly, she knew that she was not an easy character to provoke. Li Youran lay on the ground again and refused to get up, making up his mind to touch this porcelain.

"Get up, take you to the hospital."

Li Youran was motionless, Chu Yichen frowned slightly, kicked her lightly, and opened his mouth.

"Can't get up!" Li Youran didn't expect that he would kick herself, and suddenly raised her head to look at him, thinking that this person seemed a bit familiar.

She spoke angrily, then looked at the three bodyguards over there and asked: "He kicked me! Did you see it?"

Chu Yichen's gaze swept across the faces of the three men, and then smiled slightly. This woman made it clear that she was going to fight herself, but what was the purpose? What is her purpose?

Look at the car she was in, and then look at the three followers next to her. No matter how you look at it, she looks like a rich lady. Do you want to approach yourself deliberately when you play this routine?

"Not to the hospital? Then I'm leaving." Chu Yichen turned around and was about to go back to the car. This winter, the weather is also quite cold, and he has no interest in acting here with her.

"You stop!" Li Youran hugged Chu Yichen's thigh quickly, "You hit someone and want to leave, is there any reason? Help me up! I'm going to the hospital!"

Gu Xiaoxiao sat in the car, listening to the conversation outside, a little bit want to laugh. Somehow, she suddenly had a feeling. That's why Li Youran didn't want to go home, so she came up with such a bad way to go to the hospital to kill time.

After opening the door and getting out of the car, Gu Xiaoxiao walked out slowly. Seeing her coming out, Chu Yichen frowned.

"It's cold outside, wait in the car."

Li Youran was also quite cold on the ground, turned her head, and saw Gu Xiaoxiao's belly at a glance. Looking up, I saw Gu Xiaoxiao looking at herself with a smile in her eyes.

Hey, this pair is really eye-catching. The beauty of men and handsome women is really unreasonable.

Muttering secretly in her heart, Li Youran sighed leisurely.

What to do? Pregnant women, you can't provoke them. Looking at this big belly, it is estimated that he will be giving birth soon. What if you are scared by yourself?

Realizing that she had mistakenly admitted, Li Youran was unhappy in her heart. Actively let go of the hand holding Chu Yichen's thigh, got up and patted the ashes on her body. After looking at Gu Xiaoxiao with a bitter gaze, she said to the three dumbfounded men, "Let's go. what."

"Chu Yichen, let's take her to the hospital." Gu Xiaoxiao deliberately said Chu Yichen's name. As expected, after Li Youran heard it, her footsteps stopped for an instant, and she turned around to look. Toward Chu Yichen.

"What's your name?!" After walking a few steps back to Chu Yichen, she asked when she looked up at him. "Do you know Chu Yixuan?"

Listening to her elder brother's name coming out of her mouth, Chu Yichen raised his eyebrows lightly.

"I don't know." He answered her directly, and Chu Yichen turned to leave.

"It's strange if you don't know it! It's so long and the name is so similar, how can you not know it! You tell me his phone number, or if you call him now, you will say I am pregnant with him!"

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