Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 812: Why is this boy a bit like my brother?

Gu Xiaoxiao looked back at the sleeping child from time to time, wondering when his "examination" would come.

"The baby is so beautiful." Turning her head, Gu Xiaoxiao said seriously, "I feel more like you."

"I think too, but An Chenglang said he is like him, shameless." Chu Xiaoxi curled his lips and looked down at Gu Xiaoxiao's belly. "You are about to give birth too. Then the three of them can play together, how great."

"I'm so nervous because of you, I don't know if they will come out in a hurry, I still want to have a comfortable year." Gu Xiaoxiao was a little worried, secretly praying that the little baby in his stomach would be considerate and considerate of her.

The two chatted for a while, and Shen Qianyun came over. In the next few days, the relatives of the Chu family will definitely come over one after another, so in other words, from now, to the New Year, and then to Gu Xiaoxiao's hospitalization, guests will continue to stay in the past few months.

Gu Xiaoxiao stayed in the hospital for two hours before going home first. In the next few days, I came to accompany Chu Xiaoxi for two hours in the afternoon until Chu Xiaoxi and the baby returned home.

On this day, Chu Xiaoxi had just put the child to sleep and lay on the bed with Gu Xiaoxiao and chatted. The two chatted and talked about Bai Mo'er.

"By the way, Mo'er has made a boyfriend."

"Really? When did it happen?"

When Gu Xiaoxiao said this, Chu Xiaoxi was a little surprised.

"Tell me the other day, I'll find you a picture, it's a pretty kid." Gu Xiaoxiao said, flipping through the photos in the phone album, and then handed it to Chu Xiaoxi. : "I think she was really suffocated at home and bored, so she rushed to find her boyfriend."

Chu Xiaoxi took her mobile phone and looked at it, frowned, then squinted at Gu Xiaoxiao, and said, "This kid is really good-looking, but how do I feel like my brother?"

"Like Yichen? Is there, why didn't I see it?" Gu Xiaoxiao tilted her head and looked at the photo on the screen with her, "Where is it like?"

"Eyes and nose, do you look closely at them? There should be pictures of my brother when he was a kid at home. You can look for them and compare them."

Eyes and nose...?

According to Chu Xiaoxi's words, Gu Xiaoxiao thought about it seriously, and then nodded slowly.

"It looks a bit like what you said. Ha, Mo'er has a good vision, just like me."

Gu Xiaoxiao sighed triumphantly. After listening, Chu Xiaoxi rolled his eyes and asked, "How did they meet, friends from the Bai family?"

Bai Mo'er didn't go to school, so he couldn't be the same alumnus.

"I heard that I met on the Internet. The children nowadays are more avant-garde. I am old and can't keep up with her thinking. After making a boyfriend, I don't often chat with me. Um... almost there I haven't called me for four days."

"It's also a good thing not to pester you, otherwise she will be jealous for a while if you are busy."

Chu Xiaoxi had already touched Bai Mo'er's temperament, so he was particularly worried. After saying a few more words, he took the initiative to change the subject and stopped mentioning the character, and then asked Gu Xiaoxiao to go back to the room to rest.

Chu Xiaoxi has been tired recently, and Gu Xiaoxiao hasn't gotten much better. There are guests at home, she will definitely receive them together. Moreover, there is also Gu Hongcheng, she also needs to see.

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