Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 813: Don't contact Bai Mo'er

After a few days, Gu Xiaoxiao's body was a little overwhelming. In her spare time, she wanted to sleep, but she was uncomfortable with a big belly, and she couldn't sleep. Especially at night, she has been habitually suffering from insomnia and can only fall asleep slowly at two or three o'clock every night.

She didn't sleep, Chu Yichen could only accompany her. After going back and forth, Gu Xiaoxiao felt a little sad.

"Yichen, why don't you go to bed first, I'll read the book myself."

"How can I sleep if you don't sleep?" After touching her hair, Chu Yichen continued to look down at the file in his hand.

He put his arm around Gu Xiaoxiao, flipped through the paper with the other, chatting casually with Gu Xiaoxiao, distracting her.

"Bai Ziluo will come home tomorrow, and then go back to Guangzhou."

Bai Ziluo is going back to Guangzhou? Does that mean that Ling Qianyu's case is over? Otherwise, how could he leave?

"Then Ling Qianyu?"

"I don't know, I heard that it has been transferred to other departments. The above means that Bai Ziluo and the others will stop interfering. If the death penalty is not publicly sentenced, it can only show that she has useful value to the government." Chu Yichen answered truthfully, "John has fallen off the horse now. It is not a trivial matter for a country's finance minister to get to this point. We ordinary people can't guess what the people above are thinking."

Gu Xiaoxiao knew who the "person above" was referring to, and slowly nodded, she just felt a pity. It's a pity that Ling Qianyu was on her own, and it's also a pity that she didn't get sanctioned by the law so quickly, and maybe she could continue to get out of law in a while.

"By the way, show you a picture, do you feel like you?"

Taking the phone, Gu Xiaoxiao showed Chu Yichen the picture with a bit of bragging.

"Mo'er's boyfriend, handsome, right?"

Chu Yichen frowned and glanced, then thought for a while, and said, "Let's keep in touch with Bai Mo'er less in the future."

"Eh? Why do you say that?" Gu Xiaoxiao was puzzled, because Chu Yichen's previous attitude towards Bai Mo'er could not be said to be like, but not disgusting. Gu Xiaoxiao is intimate with Bai Mo'er, and he has never expressed any opinions. Why did I say this suddenly...

"She took up too much of your time, I am upset." Withdrawing his gaze, Chu Yichen answered blankly, making Gu Xiaoxiao dumbfounded.

"You're all going to be a father, why are you jealous with your children? Then if I accompany the baby without you, do you want to be jealous too?" Gu Xiaoxiao poked Chu Yichen in the face, and Gu Xiaoxiao smirked Asked.

"Of course you have to eat, you are my wife, and you will accompany me in the future. But you gave birth to my child, and I can bear it if you think about it. But Bai Mo'er has nothing to do with me and can't bear it."

Chu Yichen spoke very directly, making Gu Xiaoxiao particularly helpless.

"Okay, I know, don't worry, baby, I won't leave you in the cold in the future." Touching Chu Yichen's head, Gu Xiaoxiao coaxed him with a childish tone.

Tugged her hand and bit her fingertips. Then Chu Yichen dropped the file in his hand, turned off the lights, and went to bed.

Chinese New Year is about to come in a week, and Chu Yichen has not been to work at the company recently, because of Chu Xiaoxi and Gu Xiaoxiao. There were several meetings outside that needed him to attend, and all of them were pushed to Xu Ming. So as long as Chu Yichen's name is mentioned now, Xu Ming wants to lift the table.

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