"I don't want to eat anything." Bai Mo'er whispered, shaking his head. "Have you got the game console? I want to play games."

"Mo'er, you won't be able to stand it if you don't eat. You can do everything by listening to your mother."

Bai Mo'er looked at her and asked for a game console. Feng Shengxi had no choice but to give it to her first, and then went to the side to study what to get her to eat at noon.

Bai Mo'er lay on the bed bored and played games all morning. In the end, her eyes were a little flowery, and she threw the game console aside and took her mobile phone to scan Weibo.

Today is Valentine's Day, a holiday that makes many people feel very unhappy. Bai Mo'er swiped on Weibo, and then she saw Su Zuonan's photo.

Husband of the nation... just posted a photo. After only a few hours of work, there were 80,000 comments.

Bai Mo'er clicked in and took a look, only to see "Happy Valentine's Day, Husband" under the comment. There were men and women, and everyone shouted very happy.

Looking at Su Zuonan's photo album, Bai Mo'er found out that he had a few photos with Gu Xiaoxiao. Thinking of what Yang Liu had said, she said that she had some intimate photos of Su Zuonan and Gu Xiaoxiao in her hand. Bai Mo'er didn't think it was right at the time, but now Bai Mo'er suddenly wanted to see what kind of photos she could count. It's an intimate photo.

Yangliu hasn't shown up for almost two months. Bai Mo'er has sent someone to her house to stare at, but there has been no movement yet.

When a WeChat message came in, Bai Mo'er opened it easily, and it was sent by Gu Xiaoxiao.

A diamond bracelet, lying quietly in a black jewelry box, exudes a bright light.

"Why? Receive a gift to show off?" Bai Mo'er looked at the bracelet seriously, and found it really beautiful.

The bracelet is not very thick, it is a simple platinum bracelet. There is a circle of small diamonds inlaid on it, which looks very clean and generous.

Bai Mo'er thought about it for a while, it would definitely look beautiful on Gu Xiaoxiao's fair and slender wrist.

"Do you like it? I will send you to~!" Gu Xiaoxiao answered the message soon, with a smirking expression behind her. "I saw it in the magazine yesterday and I thought it suits you very well, and then I just went to the store to buy it. When will you come to me?"


Looking at the words on the screen, Bai Mo'er's eyes suddenly turned red.

Why is she being so good to herself? Even if she was a little bit bad to herself, she wouldn't be so uncomfortable and entangled in her heart.

"Are you an idiot? What gift do you give me on Valentine's Day? What good stuff did my brother-in-law give you, show me." Bai Mo'er sniffed and asked instead.

"I didn't give anything. He said that I have eaten too much recently. The gift is included in the meal cost and deducted." After Gu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she added a pouting expression at the end, and she knew that she was wronged. .

"I don't know why, seeing you say that makes me a little happy..."

"Bad girl, I'm still thinking about you! Didn't you go out on a date with your little boyfriend today?" After speaking, Gu Xiaoxiao began to gossip.

"No." Bai Mo'er hesitated and replied: "I broke up with him."

"??? Why?" Gu Xiaoxiao was puzzled, "Xiao Xianrou is so sunny and handsome, why did he break up?"

"I...like others."

In City B, Gu Xiaoxiao saw Bai Mo'er's reply and couldn't laugh or cry.

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