Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 829: Sister, I like married couples

When children fall in love, it is like having a family. It's really fast when you say that you are together, and separate when you say that...

Gu Xiaoxiao secretly sighed in her heart that she was too old and could not keep up with the young people. Then I was entangled again, like Bai Mo'er's current state, is it considered a broken love, do you want to comfort me? But if something is wrong, it will definitely annoy her.

Just when Gu Xiaoxiao was hesitant, Bai Mo'er sent another message.

"Sister, I have someone I like. I like it very much."

Gu Xiaoxiao looked down at the words in the dialog box. She couldn't tell why. For a moment, she felt that Bai Mo'er's words were sincere.

I like people I like very much...

What kind of person is it that can make Mo'er say such a thing?

Gu Xiaoxiao imagined it for a while, but after thinking about it, he still looked like that little meat boyfriend. Gu Xiaoxiao always thinks that the two of them are very good, youthful, handsome and beautiful. If they walk hand in hand on the campus, it must be a beautiful scenery.

"If you like it so much, then go after it."

"But he is married and has a wife and children."

Bai Mo'er's reply made Gu Xiaoxiao scared and almost threw the phone on the ground. She opened her eyes wide and looked at it several times before confirming that she was right.

Her fingers trembled, and Gu Xiaoxiao was stunned for a long time, not knowing what to say. Finally, she called directly.

As soon as the phone was connected, Gu Xiaoxiao said sternly, "Mo'er, what's the matter? Tell me clearly! Who is that person? Shameless, you are not allowed to seduce a child at such an age. Believe his bullshit, do you know?!"

Gu Xiaoxiao said a lot, but there was no movement at Bai Mo'er.

"Mo'er? Are you listening? Listen to your sister, don't like this kind of person, okay?"

"I lied to you! See you are nervous!" Bai Mo'er chuckled out, "I will give you April Fools' Day in advance. How about me?"

"Bai Mo'er!" Gu Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief, then gritted his teeth. "Next time you joke with me about this kind of thing, I will be angry!"

"Okay, okay, let me know, I won't tease you! Sister, I'm going to eat, don't eat at noon for you, lest my brother-in-law dislike you for eating too much.


Gu Xiaoxiao took the initiative to hang up, and Bai Mo'er smiled bitterly while looking at the phone screen.

This woman is really stupid... She scolded her husband for shame...

But if she knew who she was talking about, would she use these three words on her own body?

Thinking of that picture makes Bai Mo'er heartache. Throwing away the phone, she covered her face with the quilt to sleep. But soon, Feng Shengxi delivered lunch.

After Gu Xiaoxiao and Bai Mo'er finished chatting, they went to see Chu Xiaoxi. It happened that kid An Jingyan woke up, so he teased him for a while.

The child was born almost a month ago. Looking at the little guy every day, Gu Xiaoxiao felt so amazing.

Obviously he was still wrinkled when he was just born, but it changed so quickly every day.

Gu Xiaoxiao gently touched his little cheek with his finger, but when he wanted to take it back, he held it in his hand.

Looking at An Jingyan's small hand and holding his fingertips, Gu Xiaoxiao looked at Chu Xiaoxi with joy.

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