Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 864: Do you really like that person?

Before marrying Bai Yingjie, Feng Shengxi only met him three times. Two of them were seen at gatherings of military family members.

She looked at him from a distance, only thinking that this man was better-looking than others, and had no other ideas. Until one day, the family brought her a photo and told her that this was the person she was going to marry and the object of marriage.

Feng Shengxi was naturally happy to see Bai Yingjie. Who doesn't want to marry a handsome husband? What's more, the two portals are similar, and there is nothing to fault with each other. She also thinks that she is not ugly, so her life will be very good in the future.

Thinking about it now, Feng Shengxi also felt that she was too simple at that time.

She didn't expect that Bai Yingjie was already married, and she didn't expect that Bai Anqing would use such a tough method to separate him and that Gu Wanting.

Gu Wanting was forced to desperate and committed suicide by jumping off the building. When Bai Yingjie came back after completing the mission two months later, it was already turned upside down and he could never return to the past.

On the night they got married, Bai Yingjie didn't even touch her at all. To be more precise, I haven't touched her in the first three years of marriage.

Of the women at that time, who did not get pregnant and gave birth to children? Feng Shengxi was under tremendous pressure, listening to others' cynicism, and suspecting that she would not be able to conceive a child, she was heartbroken.

Later, as time passed, Bai Yingjie's attitude towards her was a little better. But Feng Shengxi knew that no one could replace that woman's position in his heart. That is a taboo topic, a topic that no one can bring up. And that woman's name has become a forbidden word.

When Gu Xiaoxiao was kidnapped in Guangzhou, no one paid much attention. Until her photos were released, everything changed.

The case originally didn't need Bai Ying to show his face, but he saw that face as if he was crazy. It was the first time Feng Shengxi saw him so nervous after so many years of marriage.

Later, the identity of Gu Xiaoxiao was confirmed, and Bai Yingjie had an unprecedented quarrel with Bai Anqing...

"Mom, what do you think?"

Bai Mo'er asked curiously when Feng Shengxi hadn't spoken for a long time.

"Ah? Ah, nothing." After recovering, Feng Shengxi shook his head. Seeing Bai Mo'er eating, she thought for a while and asked, "Mo'er, do you really like that person?"

Bai Mo'er was startled when asked, and then slowly nodded.

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden... Didn't you say you didn't talk about him?"

"Good, good, don't talk. Quickly, drink this first, the weather is good today, we will go out for a walk later."

After quickly changing the subject, Feng Shengxi sighed. Seeing that Bai Mo'er didn't react abnormally, she slowly felt relieved.

After breakfast, I pushed Bai Mo'er out to breathe. The two studied their plans for next month's trip. Feng Shengxi has already discussed with the family and is going to take Bai Mo'er to Rome.

Feng Shengxi is an actionist, so after making a decision, he must do it immediately.

Bai Mo'er's situation stabilized, and Feng Shengxi handled her discharge procedures. When the phone ran out of power, he took Bai Mo'er's phone and went out to work. When he was bored in the corridor, Feng Shengxi flipped through Bai Mo'er's album.

Bai Mo'er is a girl who likes to take selfies, so there will be many quirky photos in the phone album. When Feng Shengxi saw a photo, his hand shook and his phone almost dropped.

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