Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 865: What did he do to you?

How is this going? !

Feng Shengxi looked at the photo for a long time, then turned around abruptly and walked towards the ward. But halfway through, she stopped again.

Ask Bai Mo'er? Can she tell the truth?

Just when Feng Shengxi was standing still and hesitating, Bai Mo'er walked out of the ward.

"Mom, why haven't we done it for so long? When can we go back?" Bai Mo'er looked at Feng Shengxi as she was standing in a daze in the middle of the corridor, and walked over curiously. "what happened?"

As soon as she finished asking, Feng Shengxi pulled her wrist abruptly and strode towards the ward.

The door slammed on the door, and Feng Shengxi's serious expression made Bai Mo'er dare not take a breath.

Did she do something wrong?

"Mom...?" opened his mouth cautiously, Bai Mo'er took a step back, and asked in fear: "What's the matter?"

"What's the matter with this photo?" Feng Shengxi asked in a low voice when he picked up the phone slowly and handed it to Bai Mo'er. After Bai Mo'er saw the photo on the screen, her eyes flashed and she snatched the phone in an instant.

"Why do you look at other people's pictures casually? It's rude!"

Bai Mo'er was in a panic, seeing her like this, Feng Shengxi had to ask more clearly.

"What's the matter? What did he do to you?"

"No! I haven't done anything!" Bai Mo'er explained hesitantly, "It's not what you think, it's really not!"

What did Chu Yichen do to her? She hoped that he could do something, but it was a pity that there was nothing but cynicism...

"Then what's going on with this picture?! Mo'er, tell the truth with your mother, otherwise she can't rest assured!"

Seeing Feng Shengxi's nervousness, Bai Mo'er had to tell the truth. After Feng Shengxi heard this, he was relieved.

"I thought he..."

"He's not that kind of person." Bai Mo'er said firmly, "Mom, don't talk about it, let's go home quickly, I miss grandpa and brother."

Feng Shengxi nodded and went out again. After completing the formalities quickly, he returned home with Bai Mo'er.

Bai Mo'er is now in the hospital, which is a very common thing. The family, including the servants, is not surprised.

Back home and upstairs, Bai Moer lay on the bed in a daze looking at the phone.

From this point of view... it really seems to be kissing... and it's no wonder my mother panicked after watching it...

Staring at the photo, Bai Mo'er felt complicated. The moment Gu Xiaoxiao's call came in, Bai Mo'er shook her hand, and the phone slammed on her face, calling her ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Suffering from the pain, Bai Mo'er answered the phone, listening to the sound of the car on the other end of the phone, Bai Mo'er asked in confusion, "Are you outside? Why are you not at home?"

"Come to school for something, what are you up to these days? Why don't you call me."

"I'm so busy, how can I take care of you." Bai Mo'er frowned and said, "I'm going out to play next week, Rome, you know, I'll go there first, then Edinburgh, and then Brazil and Oakland."

"I've been to so many places, when do I have to come back?" Gu Xiaoxiao was a little surprised. She was going to travel. "Who will accompany you? Your mother?"

"Yeah, there are only two idlers left at home. Hey, I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to pack up my luggage. I'll take pictures for you to see!"

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