Looking at Feng Shengxi and Bai Mo'er coldly, Chu Yichen stepped out of the room. After greeting Bai Yingjie outside, he went downstairs and left.

When he drove to the company, Xu Ming was startled by his appearance. Watching him walk in front of him, Xu Ming opened his mouth, held it for a long time, and said, "There will be a meeting in a while, do you want to open it?"

"Go ahead, let me deal with the affairs of the past few days."

Chu Yichen's answer was very calm, and there were no waves on his face. He walked straight into his office and, as expected, the desk was already full.

Walking over and sitting down, Chu Yichen lowered his head and started to work intently. Until more than seven o'clock in the evening, more than half were left unprocessed.

After checking the time, he picked up a few documents and went out, ready to go home and read it again.

The car arrived home smoothly, and there was no one in the living room, so he went straight upstairs. Walking outside the bedroom, he blurted out "I'm back, baby" at the moment he opened the door, and then he froze there.

No one was waiting for him in the empty room.

In the quiet room, he could no longer hear her yelling his name.

Holding the doorknob, slowly tighten it. Chu Yichen gritted his teeth and walked slowly into the room, closing the door with his backhand.

Leaning on the door panel, he slid down a little bit. He sat on the ground with his head hanging down. Then, he heard the sound of tears falling on the floor.

miss her……

Miss her...

I want to hug her, I want to kiss her, I want her to be by my side.

He regrets it. I regretted not being able to marry her earlier, regretted that I had too little time with her, regretted that I could not protect her well.

But all this...what's the use?

She would never call her husband when she was happy, and her name when she was angry. He won't be attentive while holding his school notes, won't lean in his arms and watch cartoons and smile.

He was not good enough, so she left. What should he do so that she can come back?

After sitting on the ground for a long time, it was not until Chu Xiaoxi came to knock on his door that Chu Yichen recovered.

As soon as he opened the door, Chu Xiaoxi saw his red eyes. If she twitched her mouth nonchalantly and gave a far-fetched smile, she asked softly: "Have you eaten tonight? Do you want to work later? I'll send the baby over?"

"Well, send it over." Chu Yichen smiled and stroked her head. "Thank you."

Chu Xiaoxi stepped forward and hugged him.

"Brother, you have to be good. You also have Mu Qian and Mu Ran, you have to grow up with them, otherwise Xiao Xiao will blame you."

"Ok, I know."

Rubbing Chu Xiaoxi's hair, Chu Yichen went out with her. Take the two children back to their room and look at them.

Taking care of children, Chu Yichen is still a complete novice. Although he can skillfully change their diapers, how to raise a child is more than just breastfeeding and changing diapers?

Coaxing them in a hurry, dealing with company documents. When Chu Yichen wanted to sleep, it was already two o'clock in the middle of the night.

Looking at the two little guys sleeping soundly, he sighed and then smiled.

Fortunately, with them, time flies so quickly. Otherwise, he really doesn't know how to survive...

Was awakened twice by the child in the middle of the night, and the last one was young and the young were all lying on the big bed, sleeping in different poses.

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