Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 883: Female artist who has a good relationship with Chu Yichen

Chu Yichen's daily life became very regular, going to work during the day and going home at night to coax her children. He never mentioned Gu Xiaoxiao again, and other people naturally did not dare to say those three words again.

Day by day, the child grows up. Chu Xiaoxi watched Chu Yichen, from the fact that the milk powder would be scalded by the water, and then he coaxed the two children into compliance without any pressure.

He is changing a little bit, becoming more restrained and silent than before.

The news of Gu Xiaoxiao's death has not been announced. But as the days get longer, outsiders will always notice something is wrong. Someone who didn't know would ask Chu Yichen about Gu Xiaoxiao's current situation, and without exception, his answer was that she was very good.

She is fine, but they can't meet together as often as before.

She is fine, but she can't stay by his side, watching the child grow up every bit.

Chu Yichen never responds to outsiders' talks. But as Gu Xiaoxiao disappeared longer and longer, more and more people suspected that there was a problem with their relationship. Some media have even begun to report that they have divorced.

Without Gu Xiaoxiao, Chu Yichen has become a diamond bachelor in the eyes of many women. There are many people who want to ask him, and many people want him to sleep. Unfortunately, Chu Yichen did not give them a chance.

Life is not salty or light, neither good nor bad. In a blink of an eye, more than two years passed.

From the first babbling gibberish, a few children can crawl and walk, and be called fathers. Chu Yichen took good care of them, but in the eyes of others, it was not so good.

"Chenglang, that Xiao Yiren is an artist of your company?" As soon as An Chenglang got off work, Chu Xiaoxi dragged him to his side and asked in a low voice. "I read media reports that my brother had dinner with her yesterday? How is she? Are you familiar?"

"I don't know, why don't you ask Yichen?"

"Don't follow me in this one! I will ask you, what is the origin of this Xiao Yi person?"

Chu Yichen rarely went out to be polite in the past two years, and it was even more surprising to go out alone to see women. But this year, Chu Xiaoxi can often hear the name of this Xiao Yiren. There is no reason for this, but the gossip reporter took pictures of Chu Yichen and her eating in a restaurant twice.

Before getting hooked with Chu Yichen, this Xiao Yiren was just a little star who just debuted. The filming takes on all kinds of tricks, and the advertisement is always the background of others. But now, her celebrity path is rising, and Chu Xiaoxi doesn't think that this matter has nothing to do with Chu Yichen.

"I really don't know. There are so many artists in the company, how can I understand it? What's more, it's female artists. I collect their information all day. Are you jealous?"

An Chenglang smiled helplessly.

"It seems that Yichen and she do know each other. They are friends. I don't know the others."

There are not many people who can make Chu Yichen a friend. Besides being a female artist, it is even more strange.

Chu Xiaoxi's heart has been entangled since Gu Xiaoxiao has not been there for the past two years. No one wants to forget that person's existence, but people are also selfish.

Is Chu Yichen really going to spend the second half of his life with his two children? Should he also consider finding someone to accompany him to take care of him and his children?

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