"Do you think this is a coincidence, or do you mean... you are her?"

Su Zuonan threw the question to Gu Xiaoxiao and looked at her intently.

"Coincidentally, people are about fate. I am honored to look like someone you know, but sorry, I am not her."

There is a kind of alienation between the lines in Gu Xiaoxiao's words, even the smile on his face.

She doesn't remember herself, she really doesn't remember...

Su Zuonan doesn't know if this is good or bad. Because she doesn't remember herself, it means she won't remember other people either.

Gu Xiaoxiao's residence is not far away. The company arranged a dormitory for her, living with other staff.

Su Zuonan escorted her over, and the two walked silently. After reaching the door, Su Zuonan rang the doorbell.

It was his agent who came to open the door. Pushing the door, Su Zuonan was standing at the door with a gloomy face. And behind, there was a woman standing...

After seeing the woman's face clearly, the agent screamed.

"Ah!!! Ghost!!!"

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at his horrified expression, and when he heard his screams, she rolled her eyes in love.

Although she is a long-haired shawl, although she is wearing a white shirt. However, there are still many levels behind the female ghost, okay? !

Su Zuonan was also unhappy when he heard his cry. Stepping forward, covering his mouth directly, he whispered: "What are you shouting? This is a translation from Japan!"

"Turn, translate?!"

Fang An looked at Su Zuonan, and then at Gu Xiaoxiao, dumbfounded.

Not a ghost? Is it someone else?

"I'm sorry... I confessed to the wrong person..." Gu Xiaoxiao smiled embarrassingly, he still had lingering fears. Because he has been with Su Zuonan for several years, he naturally recognizes Gu Xiaoxiao.

Not many people know about Gu Xiaoxiao's car accident. But Su Zuonan and him still knew.

"It's okay, I'm Ueno Qianxia, ​​take care of me." Seeing him like this, Gu Xiaoxiao was too embarrassed to say her Chinese name, for fear that he would be scared again.

After a simple greeting, Gu Xiaoxiao came to her room. After closing the door, she lowered her head and sat down on the edge of the bed, shaking unconsciously.

Maybe someone who knows himself...

It may be someone who knows his past...

As long as he thought of this, Gu Xiaoxiao was scared and couldn't help shaking.

She didn't know what she was afraid of, but the fear in her heart couldn't hide. It was like an endless black hole, trying to **** her in. Gu Xiaoxiao worried that once she was caught in that whirlpool, she would never escape.


Gu Xiaoxiao smiled bitterly when thinking of Fang An's reaction when she first saw him and the words he shouted out.

In a way, it really suits her...

With a mess in his head, Gu Xiaoxiao rubbed his hair and forced herself to lie down and rest. In the next few days, she needs to follow those people to attend several events in Japan, South Korea, and China.

In just half a year, even an album has to be released for a concert. This entertainment company can really make money.

Gu Xiaoxiao sighed inwardly, turned off the lights and went to sleep. Woke up early the next day and went to find Su Zuonan.

They also just got up for a while, eating breakfast. There are cameras in the house, so I want to take some footages of their lives for publicity.

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