Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 905: Don't you like me?

Seeing Gu Xiaoxiao coming, the cameraman instinctively wanted to take her into the camera, but was stopped by Su Zuonan.

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at the cameraman, and after identifying his nationality, she said in fluent Korean, "Don't take pictures of me. It will be affected by the female fans."

The cameraman was taken aback, nodded and understood what she meant, and also understood Su Zuonan's actions.

After communicating with the cameraman, Gu Xiaoxiao went to see Su Zuonan and said helplessly: "I cooperate with your work, and please cooperate with my work. I am really not your friend, so I don't need to do anything. Special. Let me work smoothly, okay?"

Su Zuonan looked at her and spoke.

"As long as you don't expose it, I will agree to everything."

His words made Gu Xiaoxiao amused and exposed? What if she is exposed? He thought she was a big star just like him, everyone knew him?

"For the sake of your popularity, I will try to keep a low profile."

After Gu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she went to work. The company paid her a lot of money, and it didn't ask her to come here to pass the time. So basically the whole work process, every link needs Gu Xiaoxiao. The three languages ​​switched at will, and in the end she felt that she was a little more refined.

Yin Shencan watched her busy schedule and changed his impression of her last night. When she came to convey to himself the arrangement plan of the person in charge of the event, he looked at her curiously and asked, "Which country are you from?"

"Chinese." Gu Xiaoxiao answered very positively.

"No wonder, it is said that Chinese people are very capable of learning languages, and it seems to be so now." Yin Shencan nodded thoughtfully, while looking at the schedule in his hand, chatting with her. "We have language lessons in the evening, right?"

"Yes, from 7 to 9 in the evening, I'll go to Jingtai first, you can call me if you have anything to do."

"You wait." Yin Shencan frowned when she stopped her. "Don't you like me?"

"Huh?" Gu Xiaoxiao was a little dazed by him, thinking that this person's thinking was jumping a little faster.

"Don't you like me? I'm so handsome. There should be no woman who doesn't like me. Why don't you take a photo with me? Excuse me?"

The corners of Gu Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched. When I looked at his information before, I felt that this person was a bit narcissistic. Unexpectedly... it reached this level.

"I like it, of course I like it. But work is important. I am a person with a clear distinction between private and public affairs, so I'll go busy first." Gu Xiaoxiao smiled perfunctorily, and hurried away after speaking with him. Secretly sighed in my heart: It's really hard to make money, and it's hard to eat. When a translator, you have to pretend to be a fan.

After a busy day, at the end of the evening, Gu Xiaoxiao was already dry. After eating a box lunch, I went to Su Zuonan and the others for class.

The communication between Yin Shincan and Takemoto Keita basically had no problems. So the person who needs adjustment now is Su Zuonan.

Before coming to Japan, he must have taken some related language courses. After all, it is a star with many developments, and the distribution of fans is also extremely wide. So Gu Xiaoxiao felt that it shouldn't be too difficult to teach them.

Su Zuonan and Yin Shincan speak good English, while Keita Takemoto's Korean speaks a little. Gu Xiaoxiao came over today, mainly speaking Japanese and Chinese to them.

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