Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 906: Identity confirmation!

Two hours passed quickly. Gu Xiaoxiao left homework for several people and planned to go back to rest. Su Zuonan got up to send her off, but was stopped by her.

"Talk to your friends more. If you have any questions, you can call me."

Gu Xiaoxiao refused with a smile and left quickly. After walking out of their villa, he breathed a sigh of relief...

After staying in Japan for three days, a few people set off for South Korea. After I arrived in Korea, I trained intensively. Gu Xiaoxiao followed them to the practice room and watched them dance. It took most of a day to dance. She couldn't help feeling that being a star is also very hard.

"Small, come here!"

Yin Shencan looked at Gu Xiaoxiao who had been sitting on the ground and staring at them, and hooked her finger to call her to her side.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked, looking down at her.

Gu Xiaoxiao frowned and shook his head.

"Is there no boyfriend who would dare to be so sloppy? After sitting for a day, my **** is flat. Come on, jump with us!"

Gu Xiaoxiao grinds his teeth, crying and laughing. "To be honest, you actually didn't want to see me sitting there leisurely, so you said that?"

Yin Shencan smiled awkwardly when Gu Xiaoxiao saw through his mind. "Brother is for your good, life is exercise, understand?"

He dragged Gu Xiaoxiao, but he couldn't help but follow them behind them uncoordinatedly. At the end of the day, I feel that my bones are almost falling apart. When I went back to bed after taking a bath at night, she saw the WeChat from Su Zuonan.

"When did you arrive in Japan?"

Seeing Su Zuonan's question, Gu Xiaoxiao's eyes sank. After pondering for a moment, just as if he didn't see it, he didn't reply.

Su Zuonan waited for her information for a long time, but never saw it. It wasn't until 12:30 in the morning that he sighed and went to bed.

Full of doubts, Su Zuonan could not find the answer. And he was also worried that Chu Yichen would soon discover her existence.

He is still at An Cheng Lang's entertainment company, so the company will definitely pay attention to his every move. I don't want Chu Yichen to find her, even if she is not that person, it is still the same.

Time flies quickly, and another week in a blink of an eye.

Chu Yichen, who has been waiting for Huang Xing's reply, has lived like a year in the past two weeks. He has never been a person who is easy to show his emotions, but in the past half month, no one can see his impetuousness.

Finally, Huang Xing sent the test report to his mailbox. Looking at the words in the report, Chu Yichen felt that the always cloudy sky was bright.

I called Huang Xing and confirmed Gu Xiaoxiao's current location. After Huang Xing answered truthfully, he was a little worried and said, "Boss, the boss seems to have... amnesia."

"I know." He had expected this, otherwise, she would not be willing to leave her two children alone. "You continue to stare there, and I will go there the day after tomorrow."

"Okay, got it."

After hung up the phone and booked the ticket, Chu Yichen sat at the desk and stared at the computer and laughed, shocked Chu Xiaoxi who passed by the door.

Walking over and back, Chu Xiaoxi lay at the door for a long time, then knocked on the door. Seeing Chu Yichen look over, she cautiously asked: "Brother, are you okay?"

What is he laughing at? Evil?

"It's okay." Chu Yichen replied with a light smile, "Is there anything you want? I bought it for you."

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