Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 909: Mom doesn't want me, and father doesn't want me!

Chu Muqian has broken toys in this year. Chu Yichen had fought several times at first, but then this stinky boy found out that as long as he cried and made a lot of noise, other people would come to protect him.

But later, Chu Yichen also found a way to deal with him. That is to ignore him.

When Chu Muqian was like a mountain king, doing evil at home and showing off his power, Chu Yichen never paid attention to him. He didn't even glance at him.

After coming back from get off work, I hugged An Jingyan and kissed Chu Muran, but didn't talk to him. The little guy is also scared.

Does Dad want to stop himself? !

The worst time Chu Muqian cried was six months ago. That time, it was because Chu Yichen hadn't spoken to him for a whole week, and then suddenly broke out.

He cried dimly, and no one could coax him well. He was holding Gu Xiaoxiao's picture, sitting in the corner of the wall crying with tears of his nose, yelling out loud as long as anyone approached. In the end, the voice that shouted became hoarse, and the whole person was almost exhausted from crying before Chu Yichen appeared.

Chu Yichen went home from get off work, and he didn't expect to see this picture. My son was surrounded by a group of people. There was a mess on the ground. Two pads were broken, not to mention the other toy bowls.

He strode over and stared at the child who was sitting on the ground and refused to get up. When Chu Muqian saw him, he was even more aggrieved.

"Mom doesn't want me, and Dad doesn't want me!"

Chu Muqian held Gu Xiaoxiao's photo and cried out a word that made Chu Yichen's anger disappear instantly.

Gu Xiaoxiao didn't want him only? All of them!

That time to coax Chu Muqian well, it really took a lot of effort. And since the trouble was over, Chu Muqian has gradually reduced a lot, as if he was really afraid that Chu Yichen would not want him.

"Then Dad, when will you come back and take my sister and me to find my mother?" Chu Muqian looked at Chu Yichen expectantly and asked, then turned to see her sleeping sister on the bed, really wanting to wake her up and tell her, They are about to see their mother.

"This is not certain, but it will be fast. In this way, you count a number every day, and Dad promises that you will see her when you count to thirty, okay?"

Chu Muqian nodded without thinking.

"This is a secret between you and dad, don't tell anyone. Sister, don't tell me for now, okay?"

Children like secrets the most, especially those that are shared with adults.

After hearing what Chu Yichen said, Chu Muqian couldn't mention how excited he was. Throwing one head into Chu Yichen's arms, he rarely spoiled.

Putting his son to sleep, Chu Yichen got up to pack his luggage. After breakfast the next day, I left for the airport.

Gu Xiaoxiao has been cooperating with Su Zuonan and others for more than half a month, and after running in, they are getting in touch with each other.

These three people are stars jointly held by three entertainment companies in three countries, so the popularity is not a problem, and the daily schedule is also full.

Maintaining a high-intensity work condition every day, and finally having a day of rest, Gu Xiaoxiao can't wait to escape from them, and never want to see the three faces of men who have been fancied by countless women as their boyfriends. .

At five o'clock in the morning, Gu Xiaoxiao got up for a glass of milk and went out like a thief.

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