Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 910: Can't give him what he wants

After more than an hour, I finally returned to the familiar environment. Pushing open the door of her room, she felt an urge to cry.

She took off her shoes and clothes and threw herself on the bed. She slept until more than twelve noon and was awake in a daze by Su Zhiying.

"I thought I had read it wrong, but you really came back."

Looking at Gu Xiaoxiao with sleepy eyes and a confused look, Su Zhiying frowned.

"What did you do? Why are you so tired that your face is so small!"

"Accompany a man." Gu Xiaoxiao replied blankly, shocking Su Zhiying. "Every day with three men who are older than the uncle, these days are simply too painful."

Of those three, Yin Shencan is the most difficult to deal with! In contrast, Keita Takemoto is much better, and every time Gu Xiaoxiao faces him, he feels that he is as cute and kind as a little angel. And Su Zuonan is between the two. Occasionally low-key and gentle, occasionally convulsions are difficult to engage in.

What Gu Xiaoxiao was most afraid of was that Su Zuonan sat down and chatted with her seriously. She didn't know what Su Zuonan was expecting, but she knew that she couldn't give him what he wanted.

Gu Xiaoxiao was not sure whether she was the person Su Zuonan knew. She has lived alone in Japan for three years. Until now, she is completely disinterested in the things that have happened to her. So for those people she knew in the past, she didn't want to overlap.

She is like this, pretty good...

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at Su Zhiying pitifully, and fell on top of her, crying and doing self-examination.

"Why should I be greedy for money? Why should I take this job? Can I not want this money?"

"It's really that difficult?" Su Zhiying looked at her distressedly. Before, I only heard that celebrities were playing big cards and were difficult to serve, but I didn't see it with my own eyes. I didn't expect it to be like this...

Gu Xiaoxiao waved his hand before speaking and shook his head. She couldn't say that she didn't like this job because of Su Zuonan. Every time she saw Su Zuonan, she felt very uncomfortable.

"Go out to eat something?" Su Zhiying asked with a frown, touching her face.

"Don't eat, I want to sleep, I want to sleep until the sky is dark, no one can stop me!"

"Then you lie down for a while, I'll go out and buy you things back."

"Forget it, let me go out with you."

It's rare to come back, Gu Xiaoxiao doesn't want to trouble Su Zhiying to run errands for herself. So he propped up his tired body, found a denim dress casually, and went out with her.

The two of them walked out slowly. Recently, more and more tourists came here to travel, and the whole clubhouse was lively.

"Eh? Why is he here?"

Going to the gate, Gu Xiaoxiao slowed down. Looking forward in confusion, he muttered to himself.

"Who is it?" Following her gaze, Su Zhiying saw two cars parked there. A man is talking to the owner of the resort, and behind him are several entourages.

His face was cold and he seemed to be angry. The boss, who has always been arrogant in front of outsiders, kept his head down in front of him and kept apologizing.

As if feeling Gu Xiaoxiao's gaze, the other party turned his head and looked over. Then a faint smile appeared on the cold and handsome face. Waved, motioned to Gu Xiaoxiao to go over.

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